MAPPA is responsible for creating the second season of the Vinland Saga anime series for television. Although the show moved studios for Season 2, most of the core production team returned. Series director Shhei Yabuta collaborated with series composer Hiroshi Seko, character designer Takahiko Abiru, and composer Yutaka Yamada. Season 2 picks up a year after the events of season 1, and centres on Einar, an English slave who meets the protagonist Thorfinn while working on a farm. Twin Engine confirmed in July 2021 that they were working on Season 2. Both Takahiko Abiru and Shhei Yabuta have returned to their roles as director and character designer. It was revealed in May 2022 that MAPPA will be the new production studio for Season 2. It first aired on January 10, 2023, on Tokyo MX, BS11, and GBS. There will be a total of 24 episodes this season. River by Anonymouz serves as the show’s intro, while LMYK’s “Without Love” serves as the outro.
Vinland Saga Season 2 (2023) where to watch, Review, Cast & Much More Updates
Following the murder of his father and the ruin of his hamlet at the hands of English invaders, Einar just wants to live a quiet life with his family on their freshly repaired fields. But, fate has other ideas, and hamlet is once again attacked. As his farm and family are destroyed by the rampaging Danes, Einar can only watch in horror. Invaders kidnap Einar and bring him back to Denmark to serve as a slave. For strength, Einar remembers his mother’s last words. Ketil, a generous slave owner and landowner, buys Einar and tells him that in exchange for his labour in the fields, he would be able to reclaim his freedom. Thorfinn, a despondent slave, will soon become Einar’s new work companion on the farm. While Einar and Thorfinn are working together to escape, they are both troubled by their past mistakes and the current strategies their captors use to keep them in captivity. And yet they press on, clinging to any shred of belief in a more equitable and compassionate society.
Vinland Saga Season 2 (2023) where to watch, Review, Cast & Much More Updates
Vinland Saga Season 2 (2023) where to watch, Review, Cast & Much More Updates
Yuto Uemura as Thorfinn |
Akio Otsuka as Thorkell |
Hideaki Tezuka as Ketil |
Shunsuke Takeuchi as Einar |
Fuminori Komatsu as Snake |
Mayumi Sako as Arnheid |
Kensho Ono as Canute |
Thorfinn, a young Viking who had his previous revenge scheme foiled, begins a new life in Vinland Saga Season 2. At the moment, he works as a slave on the farm of a guy named Ketil, where he befriends a young man named Einar (Shunsuke Takeuchi). Along with Einar, he is now trying to earn enough money to purchase his freedom back. It hasn’t been an easy trip, as they’ve been harassed by guards and worse along the way. While we are just a few episodes into the season, it is obvious that the tale is still establishing its foundation, but things look promising. It’s still early in the season, but Vinland Saga: Season 2 has been excellent thus far. Even though just a few episodes have been aired, it’s already living up to the high standards set by the first season. It may be early in the season, but thus far, the plotting and pacing have been excellent.
The show is taking its time establishing the storyline and truly fleshing out the pieces we do know, so we haven’t met all of the season one character yet. Less time is spent on the fighting and more on the dramatic components and emotional effect, and it’s paying well. In addition, the show’s animation has been stunning. Season 2 has been good at not introducing too many new characters at once, allowing us to focus on a select handful who will have a greater impact on the story. To perceive Thorfinn and the Viking civilization in a fresh light, the environment had to be altered. This show has evolved along with Thorfinn, and as a result, it feels like a more adult series. There were probably some fans who were sceptical that Season 2 could live up to Season 1, but thus far, the show is proving to be a worthy successor.
Vinland Saga Season 2 (2023) where to watch, Review, Cast & Much More Updates
Where to Watch
Season 2 of Vinland Saga can be seen on Netflix and Crunchyroll.