During the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con, Nazanin Boniadi, who plays Bronwyn in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, spoke with Collider’s Perri Nemiroff about her character’s past and their on-screen romance with Silvan Elf Arondir (Ismael Cruz Cordova).
It is a common subject in Bronwyn’s work that she is an outsider, both in the general population and in her own group. At the same time, she is among the most active and vocal members of the community as a single mother to her son Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin).
Nonetheless, Boniadi does not regard this as a flaw in Bronwyn, seeing it to be a positive sign of her character strength. “In her town, she’s a bit of an outsider because she’s a strong-minded, single mother, and has a forbidden affair with an elf, which is considered a sin. As a result, she’s been obliged to speak louder and more directly to her fellow citizens in order to establish her worth. And yes, I believe that when you’re seen as an outcast and a little crazy, you tend to be more strong in the delivery of your message.”
But, let’s face it, who doesn’t like a good forbidden love story? Boniadi explains that the attraction between Bronwyn and Arondir stems from the fact that they both feel like outsiders. “The fact that an elf and a human aren’t meant to be together is part of the forbidden romance. Then then, they’re a bit of an outsider. Among their own species, he seems to be an Elf, but he isn’t. he’s an Elf’s Elf. In addition, I am a person of a poor man. It’s like comparing a southerner to a Numenorean; both are coated in mud and harsh and gruff. That outcast-ness is what binds us together in his own world as well. But we also feel a great connection to the natural world.
He’s clearly an Elf, and I’m a healer or herbalist, so there’s a connection between us. However, our demeanours are so vastly different. He’s quite still. In comparison, I’m more like Ruby from Cold Mountain, portrayed by Renee Zellweger, if you will.” Although playing a character from Tolkein’s universe must be a dream come true for Boniadi, she revealed that she recognises a lot of herself in Bronwyn and that they share a lot in common.
Nemiroff was informed by her, and she stated the following: “When I think of Bronwyn, I think of myself as a pre-med student. In other words, I studied biology in college and had plans to become a doctor before getting into acting in my mid-twenties. She can also heal people. We share that, then. In addition, she hails from the Southlands, where her forefathers opted for evil over virtue in the face of adversity and hardship. And she and her team are attempting to make amends and demonstrate their reliability. And she has an activist streak, which I like because I work for human rights. Bronwyn, on the other hand, is a fantasy version of myself.” The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power opens on September 2.