The manga series Love After World Domination was the inspiration for the anime series. Takahiro Wakamatsu is the artist responsible for the illustrations. Throughout the novel, we learn about Fudou and Desumi’s unusual love story. When it comes to Fudou’s group, the major purpose is to bring about world peace, he is the leader. Desumi, on the other hand, is one of the Co-leaders of Gekko, a group that aims to conquer the globe. Forbidden Love is the subject of this story. How long will they be able to keep their romance a secret and yet maintain their relationship? Let’s wait for the next episodes to discover out.
After World Domination Episode 5 Recap/ Summary
Co-leaders Gekko had a meeting with their supervisor at the Organization in Episode 5. Monthly reports were discussed at the meeting, which was attended by everyone on the team. All of them were judged on their fight results and negative energy accumulations. The Bears of the Reaper Princess were the most successful team in the competition. That made the Beast Princess furious, and she vowed to defeat the Reaper Princess the next time around. While eating lunch in a café, Steel Princess speaks about her crush on the Beast Princess.
Desumi scurries over to the table and begins talking about the steel princess’s love interest after hearing that. She claims that she lacks the self-assurance and femininity necessary to come clean about her feelings. Desumi, in response to her response, informs her that she will assist her in becoming a more womanly individual. Pilates, cooking and painting nails are just a few of the things she does to get her body in shape with Beast Princess. In the end, Steel Princess gives up on love since she is unable to complete any of these objectives. Desumi tries to help her by asking Fudou for some suggestions. By asking him what kind of expectations he has for his love relationship, to which he responds.
That he doesn’t demand anything from the other person and wants them to be who they are. Desumi blushed as she read Fudou’s response, but it also provided her food for thought as to how to handle the Steel Princess scenario. There is no need to change who you are, so go express your love, she says. However, the steel princess learnt a vital lesson and confessed straight to the bear, which surprised everyone. Desumi makes a bento for Fudou later on in the episode. He was eager to test it but was rushed to the hospital when he developed appendicitis. After 3 days in the hospital, he was finally able to eat with her help.
After World Domination Episode 6, what can we expect in terms of love?
‘As long as we’re at the beach is the title of the sixth episode of the Love after World Domination anime series. The Gekko Organization’s leader is shown in the end credits of Episode 5 describing the organization’s facilities. And, of course, the ultimate objective of world dominion. Invites fresh high school students, as well as kids from Fudou’s class, to apply to join the group. This implies that the superhero group faces new dangers. Will there be a split between Fudou and Desumi in the interest of their respective groups? Hopefully, Love after World Domination will reveal this in a future episode.
The release date of Love After World Domination Episode 6
The next episode of Love After World Domination will air at 9:30 p.m. on May 13th, 2022. (JST Zone).
IST Eastern Standard Time (EST): May 13, 2015, at 6:15 p.m. At 8:30 a.m. on 13 May, the zone timings will be implemented. To catch up on the past episodes and to stay up-to-date on the most recent ones, visit Crunchyroll.