This anime series is based on Kugane Maruyama’s light novel series, Overlord, which is a popular Madhouse series. There were three seasons in all, the first of which aired in 2015 and the last two of which aired in 2018. There were 13 episodes in each season, and viewers relished every second of it. As a result, it should come as no surprise that Madhouse has decided to make a film and a second season of the television programme. After a long wait, we now have a release date for Season 4 of Overlord. Everything you want to know about the next season can be found here!
A new start date for Madhouse’s forthcoming fourth season has been disclosed. The animation studio had said that the fourth season will premiere in May 2021.
The Release Date for Season 4 of Overlord Has Been Announced
Nevertheless, there is no word yet from the show’s creators on when Season 4 will air or if it will be offered in other countries. Three months before the third season began, Season 2 aired from January to April of the same year as Seasons 1 and 3. Based on this information, a lot of people are speculating about another summer release.
The cast of Overlord Season 4:
Season 4 of Overlord was officially announced in a live broadcast by the show’s creators, who revealed which actors will be returning for the fourth season. Satoshi Hino will return to Nazarick as the voice of Ainz Ooal Gown, the most significant Supreme Being in the world. Also, he’s going to be a major figure in the programme. In Season 3, Yumi Hara’s character Albedo, a high-ranking and needy-for-love character, came discovered to be a virgin succubus.
Shalltear Bloodfallen, a vicious, icy, and terrifying little demon who is also extremely attractive is voiced by Sumire Uesaka once again.
The voice of Kenta Miyake will once again be heard in Season 4. Emiri Kato will once again play the gender-bending twin Guardians of the Sixth Floor, Aura and Mare. According to reports, Masayuki Katou is returning to voice Demiurge, the blade-tailed seventh floor Guardian, and head of NPC defences, in the game once more.
Is there a fourth season in the works? That hasn’t been confirmed yet. For those who are curious about how the characters will look, new artwork has been made available online.
Season 4 of Overlord
They’re not sure if they’ll get to witness the Holy Paladin story arc this season, but they’re hoping so. Claims that this will be handled in Ito’s next 2021 movie have been floating throughout the web. As a result, the fourth season will be a rehash of the third season. There were twelve episodes in this season. In his quest to capture the Demon Snake of the Giant of East and West, Ainz maintained his eyes on the prize.
Anyone who stood in his way was slain by him. In Season 3, the Baharuth Empire sought to undermine Lord Ainz and his Sorcerer Kingdom by betraying Lord Ainz and the Baharuth Empire’s allies. Nazarick and Re-Estate engage in a brutal duel, which ends with Gazef’s death. King Ramposa III relinquished the sovereignty of E-Rantel when he saw how strong Lord Ainz was. He was paranoid that a riot would break out in the Capitol, and he was not alone. Be on the lookout for the Sorcerer King’s next move in his quest for global dominance and power.