In Chapter 357 of Tales Of Demons And Gods, Nie Li accepts Long Yuyin as his apprentice after agreeing to all of his demands. Nie Li discussed the Martial Ancestor Realm and how there is no way out if one becomes stuck inside. Long Yuyin’s character has turned her into an average girl, he realises. Tales Of Demons And Gods introduces Nie Li’s new army, which will lead the Demon League to world conquest. Nie Li continues to journey with Long Yuyin in the latest episode of Tales Of Demons And Gods, educating her about the Martial Ancestor Realm and many other things she is unaware of.
Nie Li is relieved that his rebirth has aided him in his transformation of Long Yuyin. Long Yuyin is perplexed as to what her Master is referring to. He reminds her of the cultivator’s lifespan and that she could be shocked that his understanding of intent is superior to hers. Long Yuyin was curious as to why Nie Li is more skilful than her, given that they appear to be the same age. Nie Li explains that he is a few years older than Long Yuyin and that he has seen things that others haven’t.
He discloses that the Martial Dao does not end at the Martial Ancestor Realm. Nie Li also mentioned a being known as the Sage Emperor, who has the ability to close space and rule the Draconic Ruins Realm and two other planets. Despite his great status, however, the Sage Emperor is always prepared. He eliminates everyone that he suspects of attempting to depose him, including friends and family. Nie Li also recounts the history of hundreds of thousands of years ago, as well as the soldiers that attempted to combat the Sage Emperor.
Previously in Chapter 356 of Tales of Demons and Gods
The Sage Emperor’s men failed to defeat him and paid the price with their lives. Long Yuyin hovers close to Nie Li to listen to him tell her a storey. He also discussed the many varieties of Ancestral Masters as well as Long Yuyin’s Master. Those Masters, Nie Li believes, are the Master of Heaven’s Divination Technique. He also discussed the strategies used by their bodies. However, he must ensure that those individuals perish before their techniques reach the Pinnacle. Long Yiyun is perplexed as to why they must die.
If the Sage Emperor discovers this, the Divine Feathers Sect will be destroyed, according to Nie Li. However, the Resistance continues to rule his domain and has never been defeated. Many brilliant warriors have perished at the hands of the Sage Emperor, according to Nie Li. The Sage Emperor, on the other hand, has seen many deaths and has never died. Long Yuyin recognises she has some knowledge of Heaven’s Divination Technique and understands what Master was saying. She recalls what the Master said regarding humans and Heavens, as well as the fact that souls do not perish in vain. Her Master warned her about learning Heaven’s Divination Technique.
He also advised her not to mourn for him when the time came because the heir to Heaven’s Divination Technique would be required. Long Yuyin is crying right now, and Nie Li observes it. Ying Yueru did not kill the Master, she realises. However, she is concerned that Ying Yueru may die, and Nie Li assures her that Ying will not die because he defeated Sage Emperor. He urges her to assist him, and Long Yuyin wonders if he will face the Sage Emperor, given that he previously stated that no one could defeat him.
Release Date For Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357
On December 5, 2021, Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357 will be released. Long Yuyin struggled to think, and Nie Li said he wouldn’t let her do anything unless she cleared her thoughts first, and then she could decide. She tells her that she will do everything he wants of her. The Sage Emperor is powerful, Nie Li agrees, but they must unite to resist him. He also discusses his role as the Patriarch of the Dragonseal Family. Let’s have a look at the official details for Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357.
Online Chapter 357 of Tales Of Demons And Gods – Raw Details
On numerous websites, you will be able to read Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357. Since there is Long Tianming, Long Yuyin worries how Nie Li will become Patriarch. Yun joins the two and is pleased to see Long Yuyin. Nie Li describes how they will accomplish this. This week, spoilers for Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357 will be released. When Tales Of Demons And Gods Chapter 357 is released, let’s get together.