Momo from My Hero Academia appears to be wearing a scandalous hero outfit, but it’s actually a very intelligent and careful design that takes a lot of consideration. The students at the University of Arizona in My Hero Academia get to dress up in some pretty awesome superhero costumes while they study to become the best heroes they can be, which is really cool. Each hero outfit is tailored to the individual who wears it and is created with their quirks or even their personality in mind. Momo Yaoyorozu’s Everything Hero: Create outfit is without a doubt one of the most hotly disputed hero costumes in history. Particularly among the other female hero pupils, her hero suit is by far and away from the most exposed of all of them. Many people would assume that her costume is simply some very blatant fan service, but the costume actually makes sense when compared to both her personality and her quirkiness.
Red is the colour of her hero outfit, and it is designed in the shape of a bodysuit that ends just below her mid-thigh bone. The bottom piece is a yellow/cream tint and has a rough appearance, comparable to that of a belt. The top half is designed to be worn as a tank top, which exposes her entire chest area practically. A zipper on the back allows her to adjust how much of her stomach is displayed at any given time.
While her costume appears to be a bit of a stretch, at first sight, it actually serves a purpose. Her Quirk is Creation, which allows her to build any non-living material or object from her own body, utilising the molecular structure of her own fat cells as a starting point. The majority of the time, when she creates an object, it emerges out of her chest/stomach area, as the creation is fueled by how much food she consumes. Because she expends a significant number of calories in order to use her Quirk, she maintains a thin physique as well. The reason her superhero suit has a cutout in the middle is so that when she makes an object, it doesn’t rip her costume to shreds every time it emerges from her body.
Momo’s costume is also a reflection of her personality: she is outgoing, self-assured, and an all-around daring individual. Her hero costume, with its bright colours and self-assured design, mirrors this attitude. Momo’s clothing is also designed to allow for a complete range of movement, which is vital for Pro Heroes due to their fighting style. Her arms and legs are completely exposed and unrestricted by armour or cloth, allowing her to move quickly and effectively during a combat situation. Given Momo’s extraordinarily high IQ, she would want her entire range of motion to be able to execute her strategies as rapidly as possible when she is in the thick of a conflict.
Momo’s clothing has been updated in recent episodes of My Hero Academia to include a cape, which was previously absent. This gives her a more heroic appearance and clearly distinguishes her from a mere fan service outfit and a true hero costume. She can, however, manufacture objects from any exposed portion of her body, including her arms, legs, thighs, and chest. This is possible because the rest of her body is still exposed. It would be pointless if her garment was destroyed every time she created an object; therefore, her costume design is actually rather intelligent and perfectly suits her Quirk and personality.