Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 unveils the God of Underworld following Baran’s death, where Dark King Vearn appears up. The last battle has lately begun with the advent of King Vearn. King Vearn assured Dai that he vs. the Hero Party and Killvearn with Mystvearn wouldn’t meddle. Dai accepts the proposition and says that they would conquer that Dark King. From Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai’s newest episode, King Vearn finds that Baran’s corpse is still on the ground and casts a spell to burn Bran into ashes.
Dai is upset and attempts to fight back, but King Vearn blasts him away with a ball of fire. Popp wonders whether King Vearn used Kafrizz to send Dai soaring. Maam finds Dai’s wound has opened up and tries to heal him. King Vearn described why he turned Baran into ashes. Dai is unconscious, and the Hero Party guards Dai as Maam recovers Dai’s health. King Vearn told the Hero Party that he made them feel powerful by allowing them this much time to escape and determined that he had to finish them.
Popp uses big Kafrizz that King Vearn stopped using the tiny spell, and Popp wonders what King Vearn does to consume his magic. King Vearn explains that he utilizes Frizz that is more potent than Kafrizz. Popp understands they are on the edge of death and informs Maam, Crocodine, and Hyunckle that they have no match for King Vearn and had to leave using Zoom spell, and he won’t argue with them. They both accept what Popp is saying after understanding that King Vearn will murder them at any time.
Previously on Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 57
Popp casts Zoom’s magic, and when they try to flee, they encounter the barrier that deflects them to the ground. The Hero Party wonders what has transpired. But Killvearn tells them that Vearn Castle is fortified by the barrier built out of his magic, and there is no way to enter or leave the castle. That implies they can only escape the castle when King Vearn is dead. Popp informed his squad that they had to fight as one and stay alive. They create a configuration seeking to land numerous assaults at once. But King Vearn incinerated them with his magic.
He launched Kaiser Phoenix that Popp blocked and lost his clothing that were made with magic. Hyunckle went on the front line and stopped another Kaiser Phoenix as King Vearn proceeded to demolish them. The Hero Party lost their weapons, but Maam saw that her Refraction Fist damaged King Vearn’s hand. King Vearn’s hand breaks, and Maam feels that she can strike since King Vearn is a monster that can die, but Popp held her back as Kaiser Phoenix almost assassinated her. King Vearn regenerates his hand, and Maam learns that Vearn was faking.
He says that he is known as the God of the Underworld, and he will prove it when he destroys the humans’ planet. He believes that God favors humanity and gives the Sun, but the monsters and other creatures are confined in the underworld where they don’t have to see the brightness of the Sun or feel the rain. King Vearn thinks that justice is power and those who have power will govern and provide justice to other animals. He also admits that humans are weakling and they deserve to perish.
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 Release Date
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 will be published on 20 November 2021. He advised the Hero Party to give up and suffer a painless death. Dai recovers and explains that even if the whole world gives up, he would never give up or bow to King Vearn. He explains what justice is, and King Vearn begs Dai to use power to teach him what genuine justice is. Dai utilizes Avan Strash and slices through Kaiser Phoenix. King Vearn sends many assaults, and Dai cuts all of them. Let’s look at Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 official facts.
Watch Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 Online – Streaming Details
You can watch Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 online on VRV & Crunchyroll on Saturday at 9:30 AM. If you fail to reach VR or Crunchyroll in other locations, you may watch Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 online on Hulu & VRV through Crunchyroll. Mystvearn realize that Dai is gaining the upper hand and beg King Vearn to join the battle. Dai uses a killing blow that converts King Vearn into a statue. Let’s meet when Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 58 is published.