Newcomer Gohanks makes his appearance in the latest Super Dragon Ball Heroes game. Future Trunks’ time from the androids may have been saved by this Super Saiyan combination. In the non-canon video game and anime series, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Akira Toriyama’s enormous plot is blended with thoughts and ideas from outside the established continuity, such as Dragon Ball GT, to provide a fun spin on the enduring Dragon Ball franchise.
The appearance of Gohanks, a fusion between Goku and Vegeta’s sons Gohan and Trunks, is a fan-favorite dream-come-true in Super Dragon Ball Heroes. And as Trunks receives a new fusion partner, it raises the question of whether Gohanks would have been capable of saving Future Trunks’ timeline from disaster had appeared in the main canon.
During the Fusion Dance, Gohan and Trunks combine their powers to form Gohanks, a composite combatant like Gotenks and Gogeta in the main series. Future Gohan and Future Trunks developed EX Gohanks, a kid version of the character, in Dragon Ball Fusions, a 2016 video game that included both adult and child versions of the Gohanks character.
In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Xeno Gohanks, a merged Super Saiyan generated by the merger of Xeno Gohan and Xeno Trunks, is introduced to the franchise for the first time. Aside from Xeno Gohanks, which can change into a Super Saiyan 3, the other two Gohanks look to be the weakest of the three.
While Future Gohanks is more strong than Future Android 17 and 18, which were the two inferior androids from Trunks’ timeline, they are nevertheless listed as being more powerful than Future Gohanks in Dragon Ball Fusion.”
Future Gohanks or Xeno Gohanks would have beaten the Future timeline’s androids and freed the earth from Dr.monsters Gero’s if they had battled them. Future and Xeno Gohanks would also be able to beat combined Zamasu, since Future Trunks was able to do so in Dragon Ball Super with his Super Saiyan Rage form.
Before a Gohanks fusion was even theoretically possible, the Future timeline was doomed. By the time Future Trunks was old enough to battle, the planet had been ravaged to the point that there was nothing left to preserve. Future Gohan, Trunks’ martial arts coach and best friend, was cruelly slain by the androids before Trunks could grow up and fuse with him – the Fusion Dance requires both players to be roughly the same size for the fusion to be successful.
Gohanks’ presence enables Super Dragon Ball Heroes to give another what-if scenario with established characters in a humorous, if non-canonical, way. It would have been easy for the combined Super Saiyan to defeat Future Trunks’ android foes, but given the timing of events, there was no way it could have happened. Because of Xeno’s ability to transform into one of Dragon Ball Z’s most difficult Super Saiyans, the future timeline androids would have been doomed to fail.