The first official trailer for the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen “movie 0,” which will be released in Japan on December 24, has been revealed. Yuta Okkotsu will be the new protagonist in the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen Movie 0.
“Megumi Ogata” will provide the voice for him, and she is a very accomplished actor. She is well-known for her work as the voice of a number of well-known characters, including Yugi, Shinji, and Hanako. The rest of the cast will be the same as they were in season 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Previously, Jujutsu Kaisen debuted the character design for Rika Orimoto, Yuta’s childhood buddy who is also a character in the series. Yuta is possessed by a curse that she has created. The image also contains a representation of Rika Orimoto’s cursed form. On October 4, the character designs for the rest of the ensemble were unveiled for the first time.
Rika Orimoto’s voice will be provided by Kana Hanazawa. “I made the decision to audition after reading the manga and watching the anime, both of which made me a big fan. Rika Chan is still in her childhood, and she is still carrying a grudge against someone. When I’m recording, I’m going to be completely focused on Yuta, and I’m going to give it my all. Her favourite actress, Megumi Ogata, will be collaborating with her as well, she added.