With Kaguya Sama Love Is War 243rd Chapter, the mystery surrounding the Shinomiya family begins to unravel, with Miyuki arriving at the hospital with Kaguya’s brother. Miyuki discovers that Ganan Shinomiya is the leader of the Shinomiya Family and that he is the father of Miyuki’s sister. Since the Shinomiya Family members were jailed, Kaguya Sama’s Love Is War has revealed the secrets that have been hidden from the public.
Accordin to the most recent chapter of the Kaguya Sama Love is War manga, Miyuki and Kaguya’s brother met with Kaguya’s father, Ganan, because the brother wanted Miyuki to become acquainted with his father. “The Shinomiya Family” is the title of the chapter. The chapter opens in a hospital room, where Ganan is laying on a hospital bed.
Ganan was informed by Kaguya’s brother that they had arrived to visit him. Ganan realises that everything is OK, but he lacks the energy to say anything. He keeps saying the same words over and over, such as, Oka, is that you, I see.
That bothers Oko, who decides to go outside and smoke, with Miyuki trailing behind behind him. Oko explains outside the hospital that the Shinomiya Group was Ganan Shinomiya’s empire, which he had no idea about.
People who disobeyed Ganan were always punished, but those who remained loyal to him were always rewarded. Everything was centred around Ganan, who rose to become the most powerful man in the Shinomiya Family after his father died. Ganan, on the other hand, only has a few weeks left to live until he passes away.
Ganan, according to Oko, had collapsed a few months before to this. It is a marvel that Ganan is still alive, although physicians had warned the family about his health concerns and predicted that he would die within days of being admitted to the hospital. Oko believes that this is to be expected from someone who was once referred to be “the monster of the Showa Era” and who was once treated as a king. He discloses the truth about the Showa Era and the Reiwa Era, which has been kept hidden for decades.
Oko believes that it is past time for Ganan to be relieved of his responsibilities. Kaguya Sama Love Is War Chapter 242 was published previously. The Shinomiya Era, which would come to an end shortly after Ganan’s death, was also mentioned by Oko. Due to their alliances with the Anti-Shinomiya forces and government officials, he discovers that the Shijo Family is on a different level than the other families. He also divulges information about how they have been operating and about the headhunting of Shinomiya defectors.
That demonstrates that the Shinomiya’s upper management is incompetent. Miyuki is concerned about Kaguya, but Oko assures her that Kaguya is fine for the time being. The antagonism between the Shinomiyas and the Shojos is revealed by Oko.
However, the worth of Shinomiya Kaguya will increase in both positive and negative ways. Oko will be the next in line to succeed him, and Kousei will report to him. The two also debated the concept of the Family Hierarchy.
When Miyuki discovered that Kaguya was an illegitimate child, she was taken aback. In her conversation with Oko, Kaguya’s mother, Nayotake Shimuzu, who worked in Gion’s Red-Light area, was mentioned.
However, she died of heart disease shortly after giving birth to Kaguya, and the rest of the family was clueless as to how to care for Kaguya. Although she was raised without a mother, Kaguya developed into a strong woman as a result of her experiences. It is Miyuki who wonders if it is Oko who is responsible for teaching Kaguya the Shinomiya way of thinking. Kaguya’s brother did everything he could to raise her in his own manner, and Miyuki is relieved. Kaguya is the way she is because of Oko’s actions, and Miyuki is relieved.
The two also discussed Kaguya’s upbringing and the bond that exists between her and her family. However, Kaguya’s brother says that it was not done out of love because he was not expecting anything in return from Kaguya because she is his pawn. He explained to Miyuki that he had called to find out what was going on in the Shinomiya household.
Date of publication of Chapter 243 of Kaguya Sama Love Is War
Chapter 243 of Kaguya Sama Love Is War will be published on November 3, 2021, according to the official website. Miyuki learns that Kaguya’s weakness is her brother, and she confronts him about it. Even if Kaguya is no longer of value to the Shinomiya family, Oko will do everything in his power to exploit her. Miyuki conducts an investigation into the matter, and Hayasaka comes. Hayasaka informed Kaguya’s brother that she had not forgiven him despite the fact that she was present.
She tells that she would be staying with Kaguya and that she has informed the Shinomiya Family of her decision. Let’s take a look at the official Kaguya Sama Love Is War Chapter 243 details. Details on how to stream Chapter 243 of Kaguya Sama Love Is War can be found here. The Kaguya Sama Love Is War Chapter 243 will be available for you to read online at VIZ. Every Thursday, a new chapter of the manga is released, and spoilers are available from Monday through Wednesday.
Hayasaka instructed Miyuki to inform Kaguya that he had a new girlfriend, which she dutifully did. Miyuki responds by threatening to kick her in the shins if she says anything like that. If you want to meet up when Kaguya Sama Love Is War Chapter 243 is available, let me know.