With the most recent release of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Dragon Ball is suggesting that fans will finally able to see a fight between Broly vs Jiren! Since Broly was formally accepted into the series canon after making his debut in a series of non-canonical movies, fans have been anticipating all of the possibilities that such a gigantic figure may bring to the franchise’s future development. Despite the fact that there are a slew of prospective competitors and fights still floating around in the canon, two of the most frequently asked concerns surround both Jiren and Broly following their battles with Goku.
For a variety of reasons, fans are looking forward to seeing either of these characters in action again. They want to see not only how they would compare in power to the present Goku, but also how they would compare in power to one another. With the next wave of storey DLC content, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 appears to be teasing an exploration of this concept, and while it is far and away from the kind of fight anime fans might want to see, it does provide a brief glimpse into what this kind of clash could look like in the official canon of the series.
While Jiren’s return to Dragon Ball Super is still up in the air, Broly will make a triumphant return to the franchise in the near future, according to the latest reports. With the imminent release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, it has been revealed that Broly will be one of the numerous characters who will make their comeback to the anime. The next major feature film in the franchise is currently set for release in Japan next year, but the studio has not yet announced an official release date for the picture, nor has it confirmed any intentions for an international release date at this time.
In addition to introducing Broly, the film will also move the franchise in a new direction. Given that it will take place after the events of the film while also being within the canon of the manga’s narrative, there is a great deal of opportunity for where the series might go from here. Rivals and opponents such as Jiren have the potential to return to the franchise at some point in the future, and while fans may have to wait a while longer for the anime, these excursions outside of the canon provide us a glimpse of what these fantasy battles could look like. But, what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts on who will win in a fight between Broly and Jiren if they were to face off?
In the comments section, please share your thoughts on the subject.