‘Battle Game in 5 Seconds’ is an action supernatural anime based on the same-name Japanese manga series written by Saizou Harawata and illustrated by Kashiwa Miyako. There is 16-year-old Japanese sweets and games fanatic named Akira Shiroyanagi at the center of the show.
While out doing his normal daily activities one day, he is forced to join other players in an unusual game where they must fight for their lives. Because of his unique abilities, Akira is determined to win the game and bring those responsible for the suffering of so many innocents to justice.
There was a huge response when the anime originally aired on July 13th, 2021 to its action-packed fight scenes and imaginative worldbuilding. Despite some manga aficionados complaining about the show’s poor adaptation of Harawata’s material, it has a sizable global fan base. Season 2 has already piqued the interest of viewers at the conclusion of season 1. We’ve got just what you’re looking for if you’re here as well.
When can we expect the second season of Battle Game in 5 Seconds to be released?
As of July 13, 2021, the first season of ‘Battle Game in 5 Seconds’ has been shown in Japan via Tokyo MX and BS11. Episodes of the first season aired from September 20, 2021, to September 28, 2021. Nobuyoshi Arai is the director and Machida Touko is the show’s head writer. SynergySP and Vega Entertainment are animating the show.
Here’s what we know so far about the next episode of the Supernatural anime series. SynergySP has not yet announced whether or not the show will return for a second season.
Furthermore, no one associated with the project — from the companies to the actors — has given any hints about a sequel. The availability of source material is a critical issue in anime renewals.
Saizou Harawata’s continuing manga series was only converted into seven episodes during the first season. As a result, there will be no delays in production.
So far, the reviews and ratings for the anime have been very positive. Despite some negative reviews from manga readers, the show has enough fans to justify a second season.
After a cliffhanger in season 1, Yuuri and Akira realize they’re in the fourth program and face unknown opponents in an all-out war between the contestants.
There are a few other factors working in favor of a quick renewal, including the cliffhanger finale and favorable reviews. Season 2 of ‘Battle Game in 5 Seconds’ would most likely premiere in early 2023 if the studio formally says it will be produced in the next months.
Season 2 of Battle Game in Five Seconds plot summary
Despite her serious injuries, Yuuri fights valiantly against Oogami in the season 1 finale. Akira’s team eventually defeats the Red team after he is knocked out by his opponent. The protagonist, on the other hand, decides to confront Oogami one-on-one. Oogami, sworn to revenge Kuro’s death, accepts the request without hesitation.
When the two foes do engage in combat, Akira effortlessly dispatches the other. Prior to meeting the protagonist, Akira and Omoto had regarded each other as arch-enemies due to their shared hatred of the other. They’re both out to get Mion, and it doesn’t look like one of them can succeed without the other’s support.