Based on the manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and Exemplified by Mikio Ikemoto,’ Boruto’ revolves around the next generation of ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village.
Since his youth, he’s witnessed the adoration his dad receives as the Hokage of the village. While Boruto enjoys his father, he has grown resentful towards Naruto since he considers that the elderly man overlooks his family due to his responsibilities as the Hokage.
This finally leads him to search for his own fate, away from his father’s enormous shadow. Boruto becomes a disciple of Sasuke Uchiha, his father’s closest friend, and a one-time competition. The anime premiered on April 5, 2017. This is all you need to learn about its upcoming episode.
The cast of the anime comprises Yuuko Sanpei like Boruto Uzumaki, Noriaki Sugiyama as Sasuke Uchiha, Kokoro Kikuchi as Sarada Uchiha, Ryuuichi Kijima as Mitsuki, Junko Takeuchi as Naruto Uzumaki, Chiharu Sawashiro as Hiruga, Hidenori Takahashi as Konohamaru Sarutobi, Shoutarou Morikubo as Shikamaru Nara, Kunihiro Kawamoto as Omoi, Nana Mizuki as Hinata Hyuuga, Tetsuya Kakihara as Deepa, Yūichi Nakamura as Koji Kashin, Yūma Uchida as Kawaki, Houko Kuwashima as Delta, Kenta Miyake as Boro, Akio Ohtsuka as Amado, Junta Terashima as Code and Kenjiro Tsuda as Jigen.
Koji shows that Mr.Ao is dead. Delta asks if she can strike, and Koji inquires if she’s attracted, someone. Delta replies that she has summoned Garo. Konohamaru told that the boy that they have no intention of hurting him. They find him lying on the ground, but they were simply passing by.
Boruto notices that the boy is giving them a difficult time; he showed him that the mark on his hand to cooperate together. The boy asks Boruto why he has Karma and Mitsuki is astonished that it’s named Karma. Delta is surprised why that boy has Karma, and Koji wonders what’s going to happen whenever there are two Karmas. The boy believes that they’re messing together they function for Kara.