In the universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is not uncommon to see many Nanjas relying on the teachings of masters during their training, as happened for example in Naruto, and what leaked to the net about the next episode of the anime Has happened. Boruto: Naruto Next Generation It looks like Sarada will also have a new mentor.
In fact, at the end, we will see Sasuke following his daughter, who sets aside Ukia: The Scheringen, who perfects the skills that elicit art. After the events of the last few episodes, Team 7 is in some critical condition, with Boruto and Sarada hospitalized for their injuries, and Mitsuki needs new organs after using the Harmitic mode against Deepa.
Information on a specific workout involving Sarda has been shared by user @Abdul_Zoldyck on Twitter, in the post you find at the bottom of the page. The heavy defeat suffered both Boruto and Sharda’s promise to become stronger, and this desire is the basis of a mini story arc that we’ll see starting in the next episode.
While Boruto will follow Kaku’s teachings to become more efficient using Rasagan, we’ll see Sharda ask her father to help her with his fighting techniques, but Sasuke responds that he is yet to control Sherringan Is not able to do, so we can expect specific training to achieve this goal. We remember that the anime has returned to follow the manga, at least temporarily, with a new mission for Mugino and Konohamaru, and we leave you to preview on the next 4 episodes.