Black Clover’s current anime is in the midst of an original arc featuring characters who seek to eliminate those involved with the Devil, but the latest episode is actually a brutal and unexpected death with a shocking new level Carried on. It is really so cruel, that we honestly need to issue material for warning in the context of self-harm and violence, as we are in the breakdown of the latest episode. That being said, this is just how intense the Devil Baniskers arc in Enemy so far and working with other extremists.
The current arc of the anime was created specifically to allow more time to develop Yuki Tabata’s original manga, but it is also far from the series’ world as it is a group that talks about the Devils Think so much that they are willing to take their own lives for their cause. In fact, two of the devil devils actually do this.
Devil Bannister sets out to implement his public execution in episode 145 of the series, and Asta and the Black Bulls are preparing for a rescue attempt along with several other Magic Knight squads. The two members cut Vanessa away from the others because her magic may change fate in her favor, but the real issue comes soon after. Both members announced with their work that this was their mission.
With his mission to lead Vanessa, he took out a vial from his pocket and threw it to the ground. Having been turned into heat, the two devils turn away from the flame and turn to ashes. These members held their ideals so tightly that they were willing to end their lives for this. But then the series goes to a final surprise.
It turns out that Devil Bannister is not trying to kill Satan, but is actually trying to summon Satan powers for himself. This means that these two members took their own lives, so that the rest of the group could summon a devil. This shows how evil devils can be that their desire for power can also give rise to such things.