Read Blue Lock Chapter 216 Latest Spoilers, Raw Scans, Release Date, Summaries, Storyline, Plot & Everything you need to know
A Review of Chapter 215 of Blue Lock
Barou made it apparent to Snuffy that he intended to rule the world on his own and that, in order to do so, Snuffy would have to adopt his way of thinking. Snuffy found it fascinating, and before Barou could react, he had taken the football away. Snuffy proved his superiority by arguing that he is a genius. Snuffy reminded him that he was a human being first and a football player second and that if he couldn’t see the distinction, he was simply an amateur. In the end, he acknowledged that his skill was a gift from his parents and that he had spent his life demeaning people he deemed to be without talent. A genuine professional football player would have to know that, and he clearly did not. Without pausing to consider his remarks, Barou inquired whether he would become the finest player in the world by thanking his mother & father, & then assured him that he would get to the top without expressing gratitude to his parents.
Snuffy was warned by Barou that he would go down in history as the most ungrateful striker ever. Snuffy convinced him that he, too, had once been a struggling artist relying only on his ability for survival; that he and his closest buddy had shared similar experiences. They felt they would rule the football world, so they made the most of the money and perks that came with becoming a famous player. However, they failed to put in the necessary effort, missed training sessions, and ultimately saw a decline in their abilities. Overwork led to injuries, they were demoted from the starting lineup, and they were implicated in many controversies. When a man falls, Snuffy warned him, it only takes a moment for his spirit to be destroyed, and for his best friend to take his own life.
Read Online Chapter 216 of Blue Lock:
Since Blue Lock was licensed to Kodansha in 2021, readers may access Chapter 216 of the series there.
When Will Blue Lock Chapter 216 Be Available?
On Monday, April 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. JST, the publication of Blue Lock Chapter 216 is planned. The following is the global release schedule for Blue Lock Chapter 216:
Time in the USA: Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:00 a.m. EST
Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:00 a.m. NT in Canada
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. IST in India.
Time in Australia: 08:00 On the 26th of April, 2023, at midnight AEST
Hours in the Philippines Wed., Apr. 26, 2023, PHT
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. JST, Japan
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. KST, South Korea
About Chapter 216
We can assure Blue Lock readers that they won’t have to wait long for the release of Chapter 216. Gagamaru was carefully monitoring the situation on the battlefield. He saw that the coordinated efforts of the Ubers allowed them to steal the ball and launch an attack on the short counter and he wondered if Bastard Munchen would be able to fend them off. He thought it was funny how Uber drivers flicked the switch and were trying to guess who would fire. Gagamaru was all set to take the picture, but suddenly they started riding by, and King Barou appeared at the end. Barou passed, and Yukimiya attempted to cut off his shooting angle before passing the ball to Gagamaru.
Then, Niko traded places with Sendou, and Gagamaru had no idea how they got him to transfer it to Niko. Gagamaru couldn’t believe they were able to pull off a no-look 1-2 in such a crowded area, and now he had no idea who had possession of the ball. They had already scored a goal before he could locate it. Snuffy was intrigued by Gagamaru’s recollection from the past that Shouei did not come to play with an inferior squad because football was his profession. Snuffy praised Barou’s shooting ability on the practice field, while Barou praised Snuffy’s athleticism. Snuffy thought Barou would be a fantastic striker and advocated that position for him. Barou challenged him to prove his mastery of football by following Snuffy’s advice and trying out his ideas at least once. Barou declined Snuffy’s offer of employment, explaining that a football represented more of a path to kingship than a job for him.