The present events of One Piece take place on the fictional island of Fullalead. Monkey D. Garp, the renowned Marine Hero, and the Blackbeard Pirates, led by Shiryu, are set to have a major clash. The news that Blackbeard had abducted Koby sent Garp racing to Fullalead. Together with him were many of Koby’s coworkers from Marine’s top-secret SWORD squad. The members of SWORD and the organization’s primary operating guidelines were revealed in One Piece 1080. Yet, it’s possible that in the future we’ll learn about the identities of other members of the covert squad. The mystery of SWORD is revealed in One Piece 1080, but there may be more.
Just what is SWORD stand for? The Big Picture
The World Government’s Navy is the military naval force responsible for maintaining international peace and security and conducting military operations. When taken as a whole, it is the most powerful group in the One Piece universe. Navy officers who have resigned from their official positions but continue to serve in SWORD, also known as the Marine Headquarters Secret Special Force. Members of SWORD have formally resigned from the Marine Corps, yet they remain loyal to the organization in practice. They function both as regular members of their army and as “wild card commandos.” Much of what they do includes secret missions to spy on the Four Emperors. Members of SWORD are not limited by the instructions of their superiors, unlike the rest of the Marine Corps. Yet, the Marines and the Global Government accept no blame for their part in any mishaps.
Furthermore, as they are technically no longer Marines, they would not aid or rescue SWORD members until doing so became a practical choice. Members of SWORD are no longer considered Marines, at least on paper, therefore their present position is not a reflection of their talents. This is just the most recent promotion from their time as regular Naval officers. They never got the promotions they probably earned, thus their combat talents are worth a lot more than their status indicates. Koby, for example, maybe more powerful than most Vice Admirals while having the title of Marine Captain.
There are now six members of the organization who have been confirmed:
Draco X (Rear Admiral, also “Captain of SWORD”)
Hibari (Lieutenant Commander), Helmeppo (Lieutenant Commander), Prince Grus (Rear Admiral), and Koby (Captain) (Commander)
Those that makeup SWORD
Drake X
Drake embarked on a career as a pirate and eventually became a member of the worst generation. He was, in fact, a Marine undercover. He appears to be the current SWORD commanding commander. Drake eventually joined the Wano Alliance when his time with the Beasts Pirates was uncovered. Drake is a serious and respectable man who puts the goal ahead of anything else. He unwillingly joined forces with Scratchman Apoo, another Supernova, to take on the CP0 agents Maha and Guernica. But Apoo bolted, and Drake, all by himself, was quickly defeated. Drake is an accomplished swordsman and axe-wielder. He may also become a carnivorous dinosaur by consuming the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Allosaurus, greatly enhancing his physical power and durability in the process.
Koby entered the Navy with the goal of becoming an Admiral after being encouraged by Luffy and Zoro to pursue his aspirations despite their apparent impossibility. He and Helmeppo had their training overseen by Monkey D. Garp. Koby and Helmeppo may have been complete nobodies when they first met Garp, but they have grown tremendously under his guidance. Koby has dramatically improved his speed and strength in recent months. Even while submerged, he is capable of incredible speeds. Koby perfected his usage of Haki and the Rokushiki martial art technique, becoming notably adept with the Color of Observation. He was dubbed “Hero” for his heroic actions during the infamous Rocky Port Incident. Once the Seven Warlords of the Sea were abolished, Koby sailed to Amazon Lily in search of Boa Hancock. Blackbeard made his way to the island, too, which is unfortunate. He vanquished Boa because he wanted the Devil Fruit Power she possessed. Blackbeard had intended to force Silvers Rayleigh to mediate, but the appearance of Silvers Rayleigh scared him off. But, he kidnapped Koby on the way to safety. The latter was arrested at Fullalead, but with Perona’s assistance, he was able to make his way out of prison.
Grus, Prince
Grus is an influential officer in his own right. With no effort, he was able to easily defeat Gotti, the second strongest underling of Worst Generation member Capone. Clay golems that Grus fashions battle on his behalf. We don’t know if the golems are autonomous or under his complete control, and we don’t know if this ability is Paramecian or Logianic in nature. Due to their ability to repair themselves after being damaged and the fact that they are fashioned from clay (a common material), the golems were likened to Logia users. It is unclear, however, if Grus has the ability to change into clay.
Originally a pampered brat who took advantage of his father’s position, Helmeppo became close friends with Koby and trained extensively under the guidance of the renowned “Marine Hero” Garp. Helmeppo became a skilled swordsman as a result of his dedication to the rigorous training program. He went as far as to suggest that he, too, is a Haki user by contrasting Koby’s abilities with his own. The friendship between Koby and Helmeppo has blossomed. Helmeppo was so distraught by the news of Koby’s kidnapping by Blackbeard that he broke down in tears. His participation in Garp’s rescue effort was something he jumped upon.
Kujaku is a Rear Admiral at Marine Base G-14 and the granddaughter of the illustrious Vice Admiral Tsuru. Kujaku’s ability to control whatever she smashes with a whip is a result of eating the Whip-Whip Fruit. Using the power of the Devil Fruit, Kujaku transforms into a “Training Human,” whose lashes will instil obedience in even inanimate objects. She has the ability to control whole structures.
Hibari is an expert marksman. She uses a weapon modified by Vegapunk’s technology to render her foes’ firearms ineffective. She is a powerful long-range support fighter because of her ability to disarm a crowd in a second. Hibari, like Helmeppo, shares a deep connection with Koby. She went into detail about the many favours Koby had done for her, underscoring her appreciation for him. In One Piece Episode 1080, however, she acted in a tsundere-like manner toward him.
Senior Marines who may have ties to the terrorist group. Since its inception, enthusiasts have wondered if a notable Marine is associated with SWORD. Vice Admiral Smoker is a divisive officer because he administers justice according to his own standards. Smoker’s moral compass has often diverged from that of his superiors. He has been vocal about his dislike for the Global Government. He made an alliance with pirates to achieve the larger good of protecting helpless people. Earlier then, Smoker was a formidable adversary who mercilessly assaulted Luffy on several occasions. After the time jump, however, he appears to be unable to even keep up with Luffy, much alone poses a major threat to him. Smoker, according to the assumptions of many One Piece fans, is well aware of this. A smoker may have swallowed his pride and begged Vegapunk for help to become stronger through technological augmentation since he knows he can’t safeguard justice without it.
Tashigi, Smoker’s sidekick, was last seen in the G-14 Base, which is located not far from Vegapunk on Egghead Island. She eventually joined Garp’s crew as they set off to save Koby from the Blackbeard Pirates. Tashigi is presumably either in the G-14 Base or on Garp’s ship because of her relationship with Smoker, her mentor and superior officer. Smoker fits the bill well for an officer with ties to the SWORD team. Koby’s subordination to Monkey D. Garp suggests that Garp is at least familiar with SWORD. While Garp is proud to have served in the Marine Corps, he was divided over which side to choose during the Paramount War, and his uncertainty contributed to the death of his adopted grandson, Ace. The former Fleet Admiral Sengoku should have some information regarding the gang. He’s not only a good buddy of Garp’s, but he’s also been in charge of Rocinante’s secret operations, which are quite similar to SWORD’s. And Sengoku is the one who brought up current squad member Drake.
Admiral Fujitora is another honourable member of the Marine Corps. Fujitora, a kind guy with a pure heart, blinded himself on purpose so he wouldn’t have to witness the evil in the world. It’s possible he’s allied with SWORD in their quest to reform the Navy from the inside. Some One Piece fans have speculated that the fact that the current Fleet Admiral Akainu has a tattoo depicting a sword indicates that he is at least affiliated with the organization, if not its genuine leader. It’s possible that Akainu is trying to go it alone in order to avoid having to deal with the Five Elders, whom he holds in contempt. One such figure frequently mentioned in discussions of the SWORD organization is the disgraced former admiral Aokiji. It’s plausible that he’ll adopt the values of his gurus, Garp and Sengoku. Aokiji will probably reveal their loyalty to SWORD if they have any at all.
The contest between Akainu and Aokiji to become the new Fleet Admiral was heated. Akainu triumphed and is now the Navy’s supreme commander. Aokiji quit the Marines and, surprise joined the Blackbeard Pirates after being severely injured. Even still, it seems unlikely that a man like Aokiji would ever join such a vile group. Aokiji told Smoker in Punk Hazard that he hasn’t changed a bit since they first met. Hence, it’s probable that he’s working with SWORD or another group to infiltrate the Blackbeard Pirates. Fans of One Piece tend to agree that SWORD isn’t powerful enough to effectively confront its adversaries. Despite their usefulness in battle, Drake, Koby, and the others don’t appear to be capable of taking on opponents of truly monstrous strength. As a result, it is believed that more strong Marines, maybe the organization’s actual leaders, will be revealed as covert members of SWORD in the future. One Piece 1080 appears to have dispelled fan speculation that SWORD represents a rival group inside the Navy. Apart from Drake, all of the known SWORD members are now on Fullalead with the great Monkey D. Garp. Author Eiichiro Oda of One Piece fame is almost probably ready to reveal more of the group’s inner workings.