The long-awaited anime adaptation of the popular manhwa Solo Leveling has finally been greenlit after years of speculation. A-1 Studios is developing an anime adaptation, set to debut in 2023. This is another successful adaptation from the company that brought you Kaguya-Sama: Love is War. At the just-concluded anime convention, the A-1 studio unveiled the first teaser trailer for the new season, which included the announcement of the solo levelling anime. Good to hear, but when and where can we expect the premiere of Season 1 of solo levelling? What is it?
Where to Stream Anime in the Year 2023?
The forthcoming Solo Leveling anime will be streamable on Crunchyroll in the following regions once it is released:
The Northern Hemisphere
America Central
The South American Continent
Europe \Africa \Oceania
the Caucasus and the Middle East.
The Plot of Solo Leveling Anime
A group of people with special magical abilities known as Hunters live in this alternate reality. The protagonist, Sung Jinwoo, is one of the world’s worst Hunters until some mysterious power gives him the ability to level up. Those who had made fun of his infirmity are quickly silenced by his unexpected display of might. Solo Leveling is adapted from Chugong’s South Korean online book, which became an even bigger hit when it was turned into a webcomic. The webtoon was first released digitally on KakaoPage, but it has since been serialised in print on the site, and you can buy individual issues of it in English.
Preview of the “Solo Leveling” Anime
The planned anime version of the solo levelling game does, in fact, have a teaser trailer.
Just a still image of the show’s main character is shown in the teaser. Several images and pieces of art from the A-1-created comics may be seen in the video as well. The series’ musical score will be composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, who has worked on the soundtracks for Attack on Titan and countless other anime.