The trailer for Spirit Halloween: The Movie shows a group of five youngsters embarking on an overnight excursion inside a Spirit Halloween store, hoping they can have one night of fun against the rules once it shuts. When the youngsters decided to spend an adventurous night at the famed Halloween pop-up store, they had no idea that their unique site of choice was the home of an infuriated malevolent ghost. When three young boys challenge each other to spend the night in an ordinary-looking store that only exists for a few months a year, the film’s Halloween merchant is perfectly duplicated.
In reality, the spooky lot where the store had space was the site of a horrible event, and something sinister is haunting the shelves and aisles of the renowned pop-up shop. “Angry demonic spirit” has taken over the animatronic creatures customers know and love from Spirit Halloween businesses, including Buzzsaw, Nightcrawler, and Mr Dark. The guys must find a way out…if possible. Spirit Halloween: The Movie, directed by David Poag, also stars Donovan Colan, Marissa Reyes, Jaiden J. Smith, and Dylan Martin Frankel, all of whom are in their early 20s.
This film features a cast that includes Billie Bates as the screenwriter as well as Rachel Cook, Marla Gibbs, Christopher Lloyd and Brad Carter in supporting roles. “I was immediately attached” to the script since it was inspired by some of the films I liked as a youngster, such as The Goonies, Gremlins, and Monster Squad,” Strike Back Studios president Noor Ahmed said in a statement. The family-adventure flick may not initially resemble a gory conflict, but its genre-bending premise is enough to make it worthwhile. On October 11, the film will be available on video-on-demand, making it the perfect Halloween kick-off.
“Three middle school buddies who believe they’ve outgrown trick-or-treating make a dare to spend Halloween night imprisoned inside a new Spirit Halloween store in a lonely strip mall. Despite this, they quickly discover that the store is haunted by an enraged malevolent ghost that has taken over the terrifying animatronic figures. The youngsters set off on a terrifying and adventurous journey in order to survive the night and avoid getting possessed themselves.”