Although Shanks had come to Wano for a specific purpose, the synopsis did not sufficiently address it. Even though he never steps foot on the mainland of Wano, it appears that he has a specific purpose in mind when he arrives. One Piece Chapter 1055 shows that he aims to defend the future generation, but might this be a ruse?
Find out what Shanks’ genuine motivation was for going to Wano in One Piece Chapter 1055 by reading this detailed analysis. In the early hours of Wednesday, July 27, One Piece Chapter 1055 complete summary spoilers were released. Some fans have been left even more baffled as to why Shanks chose to purposely sail his ship into Wano, despite most of the chapter’s content being clarified. According to the most recent issue and the chapter previous, Shanks was not merely passing through Wano on his route to another destination but was actually headed there.
However, he leaves immediately after sensing Ryokugyu’s withdrawal without ever setting foot on the country’s landmass for whatever reason. A probable explanation arises for Shanks’ conduct when the rest of this topic is considered. Ancient Wano ruins are shown to Nico Robin and Trafalgar Law in Chapter 1055, and the location of the Ancient Weapon Pluton and how to locate it are established. It is also shown to them how close the Ancient Weapon and Ancient Wano are to Wano’s Road Poneglyph. Oda appears to be trying to relate these important revelations to Shanks’ arrival by putting them all together in one issue.
The first thing to note about Shanks is the general consensus that he is one of, if not the, most potent Conqueror’s Haki users ever seen in the series. Who’s to say that his Conqueror’s Haki is the only source of this strength, range, and skill? The Observation Haki that he has may have allowed him to “listen in” on the conversation between Sukiyaki, Robin, and Law. Throughout the Skypiea storyline, Enel utilised his Observation Haki and Devil Fruit skills to eavesdrop on discussions in the city.
The One Piece Chapter 1055 panel that suggests Shanks has left the Wano region might be a blip in the impending waves for the Yonko, or it could be more permanent. Despite the fact that this is just a theory, it makes a lot of sense based on what we know about Shanks, Observation Haki, and the One Piece’s race for it. Shanks’ Observation Haki may be strong enough on its own to do this feat, despite the fact that his Devil Fruit is claimed to have had a significant role in this skill. The presence and contribution of Shanks in One Piece Chapter 1055 will be answered if this is the case. While it’s a safe bet that Ryokugyu had arrived to swiftly destroy a New Era prodigy, Shanks may have heard the Admiral directly mention this as his purpose. That said, what makes you think he didn’t hear of Pluton and Poneglyph’s location? An abrupt departure by Wano might be explained by his listening in on the talk. Destroying the walls of Wano would cause a large flow of water into the surrounding seas, potentially causing any ships that could be anchored near the Wano waterfalls to capsize.