The Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest manga series, which was written and storyboarded by Hiro Mashima, featured illustrations by Atsuo Ueda. In Mashima’s Fairy Tail series, Natsu Dragneel and his crew from the titular wizard guild come returned to complete a century-old task. Kodansha USA has licenced the manga for an English translation and North American release in the US and Canada in 2019. The manga was initially published in July 2018 on the Magazine Pocket manga app by Kodansha. Ten tankbon volumes have been published in Japan as of November 2021. On the basis of the novel, a television anime series has been announced.
Following the destruction of Zeref and Acnologia, the 100 Years Task has not been completed on Guiltina’s northern continent for more than a century. Natsu Dragneel and his Fairy Tail wizard guild team set out to do it. It is revealed that the group’s objective is to enclose the Five Dragon Gods, a formidable horde of dragons that, if left unchecked, may wipe out the Earth. Touka, who has been possessed by a witch aiming to seize control of the dragons’ abilities for her own personal benefit, becomes the newest member of Fairy Tail.
The persona Natsu Dragneel is a Fairy Tail Guild Mage and a member of Team Natsu. He is the most powerful Etherious and the younger brother of Zeref Dragneel. He was resurrected 400 years ago. Five Dragon Slayers from 400 years ago sent Natsu back in time to aid in the destruction of Acnologia.
Chapter 114 of the Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Manga Read Online
To assist the manga artists, you can read Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 114 online on any of the following manga websites: at Kodansha
Fairy Tail: The 100-Year Quest Chapter 114 Release Date
There have been some rumours that Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 114 would be released on August 9th, 2022. The start of the new season of the programme is highly anticipated by the audience. Fans should be on the lookout for any potential early releases of Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 114.