Black Clover made its debut in 2016 and quickly became a phenomenon in the manga industry. In order to become the Wizard King, two orphans named Asta and Yuno embark on a perilous and exciting quest. Until this point, Asta and Yuno have gone a long way, which has made supporters wonder about their future. After a three-month sabbatical without making the end of King Raid Arc obvious, everyone was left wondering about all the possible outcomes of the manga’s next chapter. Previously, the 1st of May 2022 had been set as the publication date for Black Clover Chapter 332.
Although Yuki Tabata took a break from comics because of the enormous amount of effort required to produce a full manga, she has resumed her work. It’s understandable that the creator would want a respite from the stresses of everyday life. The release of Black Cover Chapter 332 was delayed by over three months after he declared his break. The last chapter of the Black Clover series, Black Clover Chapter 332, will include a one-year time leap, according to the latest news in Weekly Shonen Jump No. 34. Since Julius Novachrono’s transformation into Lucius Zogratis, fans have been left wondering, “What will happen next?” in addition to “What will happen in the Black Cover Chapter 332, Is it the last?” It’s possible, based on recent SportsKeeda updates, that the ultimate arc or theme for Chapter 332 will be “Those who become the Strongest Wizard Kings.”
Black Clover Chapter 332: Expectations & Speculations
Lucius, the fourth Zogratis brother, is first seen in Chapter 331. In addition, he hosted Astaroth, The Time Devil, a demon from the far future. All of these have piqued the interest of manga enthusiasts throughout the world. We can witness Asta and Yuno fighting demons that aren’t able to form in our world in this chapter, which appears to be the conclusion of the story. A lot of time remains until Manga’s publication, and there aren’t many leaks out there to discover the next instalment’s plot details. Still, we know that Chapter 332 is where everything will begin in a year. The title of the final story arc or topic may be revealed in this chapter. The manga’s story will come to an end with this volume, which is a major consideration.
Chapter 332 of Black Clover Release Date
In the past, the release date of Black Clover Chapter 332 was set for May 1st. As a result of Mangaka Yuki Tabata taking a break, the scheduled events had to be rescheduled. The new release date for Chapter 332 has been set for August 7th, 2022. Weekly Shonen Jump Issue No.35 will have a full-colour cover for Chapter 332. Every Sunday, Weekly Shonen Jump is published.