The popular monthly shonen manga Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, created by Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto, will return in June 2022 with a new chapter. Amado, the enigmatic former Kara scientist, and Code and Daemon’s action-packed fight in Chapter 71, dubbed Hindrance, has left fans wondering what’s next for the shinobi of Konoha and the formidable criminals they’re up against. Including spoilers, previews, the release date/time, where to read the current chapter, and other updates, here is all you want to know about Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter 72.
What is the publication date of Boruto Chapter 72?
The Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga generally releases a new chapter every month, but the series will be taking a long break in July 2022, so don’t expect Chapter 72 to appear this month. At this time, the release date for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter 72 has been set for August 19.
On Saturday at 12:01 a.m. JST, Chapter 72 will be released.
The English translations of Chapter 72 should be available online at the following times, but they may be available sooner if the release time listed above is correct.
Friday, August 19th, 9 a.m. Pacific Time; 11 a.m. Central Time.
On Friday, August 19, Eastern Time is noon; British Time is 5 p.m.
It’s time for Amado and Eida to make their triumphant return to Konoha!
After Eida calls Daemon to stop Code from murdering Amado in the previous episode of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Amado was able to survive Code’s many efforts to kill him. Amado had told Eida that Kawaki was his secret weapon, so she chose to use it.
The emergency shutdown command code, which can only be used by Amado, was another item that he implanted in Kawaki along with karma. Amado clarified that while it is Konoha’s responsibility to oversee Kawaki, the fact that it affects other villages implies that they must rely on him. It’s merely insurance for Amado’s reputation in the hamlet, according to him.
Nevertheless, he has a different goal in mind, one that necessitates Kawaki’s karma. In response to Eida’s threat to expose Amado’s lies, the latter replied that he would talk but that it would be a long narrative, one that he would also need to share with Konoha. Upon reaching their destination, Amado inquired with Eida about her willingness to wait. There’s a chance this might support the argument that Amado is a villain.
While a time skip is predicted in a future chapter of Boruto, one is unlikely to appear in Chapter 72. Boruto Chapter 72 Appendix Card Preview Text by V-Jump: “This is great news! Konoha is where Amado and the others are headed…!” There aren’t any big spoilers for Boruto Chapter 72 yet because it hasn’t been released yet, but we will update this page as soon as previews are available.
Where can I find Boruto’s 72nd chapter?
Once it’s available, you’ll be able to read Boruto Chapter 72 on Viz Media or Manga Plus. Viz Media offers free access to the first and final three chapters, but if you want to read the rest, you’ll have to pay $1.99 a month for a Shonen Jump subscription. The most recent chapter of MangaPlus may also be read for free, but a subscription is required. Please note that MangaPlus is currently only available in the United States unless you live in Japan, South Korea or China, where you can already access Manga Jump+, the original Japanese programme.