The Silent Twins, starring Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance, has unveiled a new poster. As seen from up close, the new image depicts a fantastic world Wright and Lawrence have created complete with ponies, disco balls, and toys. Based on true circumstances, the film follows identical twins June and Jennifer Gibson, who had no other means of communication. Thus, they built an elaborate universe to avoid the terrible realities of their actual life. Investigative journalist Marjorie Wallace turned their story into a best-selling book with the same title. A script by Andrea Seigel is being directed by Polish director Agnieszka Smoczyska.
It was through a Facebook message from Seigel that the filmmaker first learned of June and Jennifer, as he said in a prior interview. adding, “From the first words, it was clear to me that I had to do all I could to convey this narrative and bring it into the public.” ” “What happened to them is a disgrace,” said actor Wright, who portrays June Gibson and also produced the film. However, “it’s a heart-wrenching narrative of tragedy and loss and sadness, but one of amazing misinterpretation.” For more on the subject, I’ve worked as executive producer on several productions.” This has provided me with the opportunity to do so, as well as the means to participate and be heard.
It also features Nadine Marshall, Treva Etienne, Jodhi May, Michael Smiley, and more. Klaudia mieja-Rostworowska, Joshua Horsfield, Ben Pugh, Ewa Puszczyska, Anita Gou, Alicia Van Couvering, and Wright are the producers of The Silent Twins. In the meanwhile, Ewa Puszczynsk, Alicia Van Couvering, Seigel, Charlie Morrison, and Wallace all worked on the show as executive producers alongside 30WEST’s Katie Anderson, Jake Carter, and Trevor Groth. On Friday, September 16th, The Silent Twins will be released in theatres around the country.
Based on the true story of identical twins June & Jennifer Gibbons, who grew up in a tiny Welsh village as the sole members of a Black family. As a result of their reluctance to interact with everyone besides each other, the two were known as “the quiet twins.” When they were separated, they formed a language of their own and became catatonic. Having committed acts of vandalism motivated by an American lad they both like, our two heroines find themselves at Broadmoor, a notorious mental institution, where they must decide whether or not they will part ways and live separate lives or perish together.