In “Dr Stone,” a manga adaption set thousands of years in the future, a strange catastrophe turns nearly everyone into stone. A smart adolescent named Senku reappears one day. When they’re not fighting lions or deadly gases like those mentioned in the book, his old buddy Taiju joins him, and the two of them come up with a strategy to revive the rest of mankind. There’s no need for the science to constantly add up when the story is so captivating. Many questions remain unanswered after the second season. Fortunately, a new teaser for Season 3 has been released, promising even more revelations in the upcoming season. Dr Stone’s third season will contain the following changes.
Season 3 of Dr Stone is scheduled Release Date
The new Dr STONE 3rd season anime will begin airing sometime in 2023, according to a leak from the newest Weekly Shonen Jump issue, which was released on December 16, 2021. On 2021, December 19at Jump Festa 2022, which was held in Las Vegas, this information was officially revealed. The revelation that an OVA episode of Dr STONE will be published in 2022 was the biggest surprise.
The cast of Dr Stone Season 3
Both dubs of “Dr Stone” are likely to retain the majority of their original casts for Season 3. As far as the Japanese dub, Yûsuke Kobayashi from Food Wars and Makoto Furukawa from One Punch Man provide their voices to the characters Senku and Taiju. Fullmetal Alchemist Aaron Dismuke and Ricco Fajardo, who voiced Senku and Taiju in Sky Wizard Academy, are among those who have contributed to the English dubs.
Season 3 of “Dr Stone” is scheduled to have a number of new characters voiced by Japanese performers such as Manami Numakura, Gen Satô, and Ayumu Murase. The English voice actors Brandon McInnis, Felecia Angelle, and Brittany Lauda have all featured often on the programme. To keep up with the show’s new direction (both physically and symbolically), viewers may anticipate meeting some new characters and hearing some new voices as Season 3 develops, so stay tuned!
Dr Stone’s Season 3 Plot Streamline
This season’s “Dr Stone” Season 3 trailer seems like an episode of “One Piece,” but rest assured that the teaser was only signalling that Senku and his friends would embark on a maritime adventure in the next episode of the series. According to, the “Age of Exploration” arc will be the next one to be translated for the anime. Now that they’ve completed the construction of the Perseus ship, they’re ready to set sail for additional knowledge about what caused humanity’s transformation into stone. There are various additional developments that can benefit them in their quest to restore mankind to its former splendour throughout this period.
As of 2021, there are no indicators that the manga will be ending any time soon. ” “So, as far as the conclusion is concerned, I’m not sure and this isn’t necessarily relevant to the plot,” writer Riichiro Inagaki said when speaking with Anime News Network. However, we’ve found ourselves going three steps ahead and two steps back as we’ve moved through the story, but I’m still determined to see it through to the finish. Unlike some other anime, “Dr Stone” may not be able to exist endlessly, but we’re convinced that Season 3 won’t be.