The popular Japanese manga series Tokyo Revengers is the work of Ken Wakui, who is both the author and the illustrator. One of Japan’s most popular comics, Tokyo Revengers, won the Shonen category of the 44th Kodansha manga award in 2020. Chapter 254 of Tokyo Revengers is nearing completion. Tokyo Revengers has what it takes to be a game that people remember for years to come. The manga obsession is still going strong after it was one of the year’s biggest blockbusters. To learn more about Tokyo Revengers Chapter 254 Raw Scan, keep reading this article. Release Date, Reddit Spoilers, and Twitter Leaks
The release date for Tokyo Revengers Chapter 254
Fans of the Tokyo Revengers manga are getting more and more excited as the series’ popularity soars. According to the Tokyo Revengers studio, assuming no hiatus is taken, Chapter 254 of Tokyo Revengers will be released on May 25, 2022.
Chapter 254 of the Tokyo Revengers Reddit Spoilers, and Leaks from Twitter
The 2nd year of middle school was the happiest for Takemichi Hanagaki thus far. He was well-liked, had a wide circle of friends, and even had a romantic interest. On the other hand, it was twelve years ago. He’s now a nobody, ridiculed by kids, and always apologising to his younger boss because of it. To make these matters worse, the Tokyo Manji Gang allegedly murdered his one and only love’s younger brother.
Twelve years earlier, Takemichi was still dating Hinata Tachibana, and a train was about to destroy his life for good when he was sent back in time. Chapter 254 of the Tokyo Revengers At the time of this writing, Raw Scans had not yet been available. Raw scans appear on the internet 3 to 4 days before the official release date. On online communities like 4chan and Reddit, they may be discovered. On May 14, 2022, we anticipate the release of this week.
Summary of Chapter 253
Takemichi encounters Hinata’s younger brother after being forced to recreate the day that set off his downward spiral. He recognises his seeming demise without hesitation, and then flashes back to the present. Prior to the future, Takemichi pleads with him to protect his sister. He is, to say the least, a survivor. Even stranger, the course of history has been altered. It seems that Takemichi can alter the flow of time. Tokyo Manji Gang is on the verge of kidnapping Takemichi’s ex-girlfriend and he intends to use time travel and history to free her
Chapter 254: Where Can I Find It?
Manga should not be viewed on any unlicensed platform or website. Purchase the Kodansha Weekly Shonen Magazine if you’re in Japan and want to keep up with the latest chapters of Tokyo Revengers. As a final option, overseas manga lovers can purchase all volumes via Kodansha’s official website.