The Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest manga series, written and storyboarded by Hiro Mashima, was drawn by Atsuo Ueda and published by Viz Media. Mashima’s Fairy Tail series is continued in this film, which follows Natsu Dragneel and his team from the titular wizard guild as they strive to finish a century-old quest.
It first appeared on Kodansha’s Magazine Pocket manga app in July 2018, and Kodansha USA has licenced it for a North American English edition through its Kodansha USA Publishing division. As of November 2021, a total of ten tankbon volumes have been published in Japan. According to the latest news, an anime television series will be created and broadcast. One year after the fall of Zeref and Acnologia, Natsu Dragneel and his Fairy Tail wizard guild team set out on the 100 Years Task, a quest that has been undone for more than a century in the northern continent of Guiltina.
It is discovered by the gang that their mission is to seal the Five Dragon Gods, a collection of dragons with a combined might equal to Acnologia’s that threatens to destroy the planet. Meanwhile, Fairy Tail gains a new member in the form of Touka, who has been possessed by a witch who wishes to harness the dragons’ skills for her own use. Natsu Dragneel is a fictional character created by author Natsu Dragneel. As a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, Natsu Dragneel wields magic and is a member of Team Natsu.
He is Zeref Dragneel’s younger brother, who died 400 years ago and was revived as his brother’s most powerful Etherious: E.N.D. He is Zeref Dragneel’s younger brother, who died 400 years ago and was resurrected as his brother’s most powerful Etherious: E.N.D. The Dragon Slayer Natsu is one of the five Dragon Slayers that were sent to the future four hundred years ago to help in the destruction of Acnologia’s forces.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 110 Manga Online English
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 110 Manga Online English is a weekly manga, and fans have been eagerly awaiting Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 110. You can read Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapters for free from the following manga platforms to support the creators: You can read Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapters free from the following manga platforms to support the creators: based on Kodansha