This manga begins with a high school plot. The primary protagonists of this comic are Senku Ishigami and Taiju Oki. Taiji walks outdoors to express his feelings for Yuzuriha Ogawa. But before he could respond, the entire universe was drenched in the green light, making everything stone-like come to life. Taiju utilised his willpower to become a human after 3700 years. Senku, however, had awoken from his rest, much to his astonishment.
Senku had already planned for them to have food, drink, and a place to sleep. They developed a fluid capable of transforming stone into flesh. They’d agreed to decapitate Yuzuriha together. However, they were assaulted by lions while attempting to defend her pride. Hence, they made the decision to resurrect Tsukasa Shishio. Shishio’s strength rivalled that of a hundred gorillas. He drove the lions away and saved the entire herd of livestock. Senku and Taiju realised quickly that they had made a mistake.
Dr Stone’s Chapter 238 Release Date
Dr Stone’s Chapter 238 will be released on April 17th, 2022. A new chapter of this manga is posted every Sunday. Due to unexpected circumstances, the release date has been pushed back by one week.
Spoilers & Predictions for Chapter 238 of Dr Stone’s English
Dr Stone Manga chapter 238 eventually discloses the identity of the new assailant as the terrorist mastermind behind the recent spate of explosions. As the chapter finishes with an unexpected twist, readers will be gripped as they wait to find out who will be next. Mahiro, the protagonist, possesses Seiji’s power to assume the form of other people. Mahiro, on the other hand, believes that he can only do this feat for a limited period. It is also shown that this power may be shared with someone else.
Dr Stone’s Raw Scans Chapter 238
Dr Stone’s Chapter 238 Raw Scans were not yet available at the time of publication. Raw scans begin to emerge online a few days before the official release date. They may be found on 4chan and Reddit. As a result, we predict that the data from this week will be accessible on April 15th, 2022.
The publication date of Dr Stone’s English Spoiler Chapter 238.
At the time of writing, there were no Dr Stone Chapter 238 spoilers. The majority of these spoilers start to circulate three to four days before the publishing date. They may be found on 4chan and Reddit. We may expect this week to be available on April 15, 2022.
A synopsis of Dr Stone’s 237th chapter
After five years of keeping it a secret from her, he eventually musters the guts to tell Yuzuriha Ogawa that he loves her. The Earth is hit by a blinding green light, turning everyone into stone, just as Taiju begins to confess. Thousands of years later, Taiju is awoken to find that the existing planet has been wrecked by human civilization. Taiju’s scientifically oriented ami, Senkuu, arrives in the midst of a stone sculpture universe. Taiju discovers that Senkuu has devised a massive scheme to resurrect civilization using new scientific knowledge.
When Taiju’s power and Senkuu’s knowledge combine, they become an invincible force capable of resurrecting the dead. When the awakened question Senkuu, his brilliant strategy may be jeopardised. For many years, no one has explained human petrification.
Where to Read Online?
The most recent Dr Stone chapters, such as Chapter 236, may be found on both Viz Media and Mangaplus.