The anime series One Piece has become a worldwide phenomenon. The manga series of the same name by Eiichiro Oda served as the inspiration for this fantastic anime series. As of 2022, the first episode of this manga series debuted in 1999. Because of this, it’s easy to see why this programme has such a worldwide following. As the crew of the legendary pirate Gold Roger sets off in pursuit of the richest treasure ever hidden by a pirate, we follow the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and the rest of his crew. “One Piece” is the eponymous moniker for the storied loot.
For One Piece Episode 1017, fans excitedly await its release after having seen the latest episode. The release date of this new episode has been revealed, so you won’t have to wait too long. All the information you need about the One Piece Episode 1017 Release Date, where you can watch this anime series online and on television, spoilers, key characters and other pertinent information can be found here. As soon as you can, check the release date of this new episode’s airing.
Episode 1017 of One Piece will be released at the following times:
Episode 1017 of One Piece is scheduled to be published on May 14 if there is no further delay. Due to the fact that One Piece Episode 1017 will be available to fans all around the world simultaneously, the following are the release times in various time zones:
At 11 a.m. JST (May 15)
7:00 p.m. on the west coast
Late-night EDT (10:30 PM GMT)
3:00 a.m. British Summer Time (May 15)
4 a.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST) (May 15)
Characters from the anime One Piece
They’re all here, in alphabetical order, for your perusal. On the other hand, the other supporting cast members have done a fantastic job.
Tony, In this case, it’s Tony Chopper.
The name is Nico Robin.
Franky \Brook
Roronoa Zoro Jimbei Monkey D. Luffy
Nami \Usopp \Sanji
Expected Plot of One Piece Episode 1017
The plot of One Piece Episode 1017 has yet to be revealed. As a result, here’s a short rundown of what happened in the last episode: Meanwhile, Luffy’s Ambition level is being discussed by Zoro, Kidd and Killer, who are annoyed by his arrogance, while Kaido wonders how he managed to inflict such harm on Luffy just weeks after their fight ended. As a result, he attacks the boy, even though he had anticipated it. Although Prometheus tries to accomplish the same thing as Prometheus, Zoro slices him in two instead.
In front of Kaido, Law teleports Luffy and complains to him that she treated him like a subordinate by forcing him to do what she would do regardless of whether he wanted to or not. Prometheus begins to launch fireballs at them, and Kidd enters the argument. The three of them then dare one another to not get stuck. To gauge their opponents’ power, Kaido urges Big Mom to stand aside and informs Zoro that he recognised Kamazo due to his giggle. When the emperor’s guards are fighting, the emperor is unmoved.
Where Can You Find One Piece Episode 1017 Online?
One Piece can only be found on Crunchyroll on a regular basis. On May 14, One Piece Episode 1017 will be available to stream on Crunchyroll.