When the 2nd anime adaptation of “Hunter x Hunter” ended its run in 2014 with the “Election Arc,” hopes were high for a third season. Manga writer Yoshihiro Togashi kept working on the famous series until 2018. Why haven’t these plots made it into the anime? Reddit’s most fervent “Hunter x Hunter” followers are beginning to lose hope after more than six years of quiet. The health problems of Togashi have led many to assume that their favourite anime characters’ stories would be cut short because of his death.
Until two unexplained social media tweets from Japanese voice actresses who worked on the original Japanese version of “Hunter x Hunter” surfaced, this was the popular consensus. Megumi Han voiced Gon Freecss on Instagram, while Killua Zoldyck voiced Mariya Ise on Twitter.
When you can watch the seventh and final season of Hunter X Hunter
The removal of essential content from the “Hunter x Hunter” manga series has been a big topic of criticism and has been a major obstacle to the publishing of a new season of “Hunter x Hunter”. A series of large hiatuses have occurred during the previous decade in the manga, which was created by Yoshiro Togashi. Season 7 may have been developed around an outline, if the anime’s creators had decided to adopt the “Game of Thrones” model instead. Some fans believe that Megumi Han and Mariya Ise’s coded social media signals are a clue that the production of the second chapter of “Hunter x Hunter” has begun, based on their interpretation.
First six seasons of Madhouse’s animated series have demonstrated the studio’s capacity to generate high-quality content quickly. Between 2011 and 2014, the production company produced 148 episodes of the show, with three separate seasons commencing in 2012. Even though the English-dubbed version took a long time to get going following the Japanese debut, it continued to be released in seasons every year until it was finished.
Because of this, a second season may premiere by the end of 2021, with an English-language version following in 2022 if work has already begun. However, these are all purely hypothetical projections at this juncture.
The Season 7 Plot of Hunter X Hunter
To reiterate, the most major hindrance to the production of “Hunter x Hunter” is the incomplete source material for the future season. Due to Yoshihiro Togashi’s chronic health issues and, according to CBR, a potential love with the video game series “Dragon Quest,” the manga’s most recent hiatus has been in place since late 2018. When Season 7 of “Hunter x Hunter” is finally made available, it will be the final season of Gon Freecs and the Hunters. Togashi reportedly told Weekly Shonen Jump in 2018: “I’m not going to be able to draw anymore.” This was only days before the manga’s longest hiatus.
The novel I’m currently working on is called “Hunter x Hunter.”” Either the tale concludes or I die before the story concludes, that moment has arrived. Nonetheless, I want to see it through to the end. ” However, regardless of when “Hunter x Hunter: Arise of the Sith” Season 7 is published, fans will have to say their goodbyes no matter how terrible it may be. Fans have become accustomed to the show’s amazing animation bouts, so it’s hoped that the last episode will have more of them.
Season 7 cast members of Hunter X Hunter
Mariya Ise and Megumi Han’s social media remarks are all that fans have to rely on for now in far of knowing who they may expect to see in the voice cast. For the benefit of English-speaking fans, Funimation has supplied translations of these messages so that they may better comprehend what they might mean for the future of the series.
“is extremely glad to return to her beginning position,” Megumi Han posted on Instagram with the caption “and was filmed alongside her ‘boyfriend,'” Funimation, which also translated the caption, said. “Hunter x Hunter” is Han’s most prominent early role, according to IMDb, where he portrayed a bounty hunter. On Twitter, Mariya Ise, the voice actor for Killua Zoldyck, said she was “recording for a project” and “pleased to meet up with [her] ‘partner,'” according to Funimation.
It’s possible that two of the original cast members from “Hunter x Hunter” may reprise their roles as the primary protagonists. No reason why the English dub couldn’t employ the same talent as the Japanese production if that’s what the Japanese production is doing. Erica Mendez, Cristina Valenzuela, and Michael McConnohie might all return their roles as Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, and the narrator in Season 7.