An epic fantasy anime series based on Hajime Isayama’s manga has been captivating fans for over a decade now. As Eren Yeager and his comrades struggle for the survival of their people against the Titans, their story is told through the eyes of the protagonists. There are decades of wrath, anger, and bloodshed that they must put an end to, and while their fight begins as a justifiable attempt to defend themselves, it quickly becomes clear that it is only a small part of that story.
The action picks up speed in the second half of the finale. Eren is about to massacre the people who live outside of Paradis Island while his comrade’s race after him to put an end to the barbaric carnage. It is inevitable that fans of ‘Attack on Titan’ is now concerned about what comes next. Is there going to be a 2nd season? Is there going to be a movie to wrap up the plot?
The release date for the 3rd and last part of the fourth season of Attack on Titan
In terms of a release date, just that the last series of episodes will air sometime in 2023 has been revealed. In the previous season, the first half aired from December 2020 to March 2021, and the second half aired from January 2022 to April; as a result, we expect that the last episode will run at the beginning of next year, following a similar timetable. We’ll keep an eye out for any new evidence to back this up and will post any new material here as soon as it’s available.
The cast of the last season of Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan: Final Season 4 Episode 3 cast and crew members are listed below:
As of this writing, Eren Jaeger is still alive.
Reiner Braun is the name of the German cyclist.
Mikasa Ackerman
The aforementioned Jaeger Zeke
Armin Arlert is the name of Armin Arlert
The Plot of the Final Season 4 part 3 of Attack on Titan
In the season’s penultimate episode, Mikasa is left to ponder why Eren suddenly changed his mind. The first time she and her friends ventured out of the area, she remembers. When Eren told Mikasa about the cruelty he’d witnessed there, he was devastated. After Eren’s shocking choice, she worries if her failure to reveal her feelings impacted him in any way. His plot to eradicate all human life outside of Paradis Island comes to fruition as Eren and his Colossal Titans kill out the first human settlement.
After Eren has devastated multiple cities and murdered countless innocent people in season 4, episode 3, his friends will finally come to him for help. In the end, Armin and Mikasa will realise that their friend never planned to harm anybody, but he saw only one option in decades of murder and bloodshed. He kills 80% of the world’s population in order to rewrite history. In any case, he’d be the first to confess that he regrets the deaths of innocents and that his homicidal philosophy isn’t justified.
During the last episode, Eren will pass away peacefully, leaving his companions to live the peaceful life he always wished for while the world is reconstructed from the very bottom up. Part 3’s announcement was timed to coincide with the release of a teaser for the final run. Foreboding music accompanies Mikasa and her friends as they stand in the path of an enormous Titan, which isn’t much of a spoiler.