Jae Ha’s efforts on the show held a lot of promise for the future thanks to Seo’s encouragement. The day of the concert, on the other hand, was a whole different story. When they entered their display halls, they were met with utter stillness. He hurried to a neighbouring exhibition hall to check out what was going on as soon as he realised anything was awry. This was too much for Jae to handle, especially given how much care and effort he had put into his artwork in the first place. Seo’s organisation was certain that the expo would operate well as a result of their diligent planning.
A handful of these men and women were stationed throughout the Pandoran bases. Because they were the main competitor, they expected fierce competition. While Pandora’s recommendations caught them completely off guard, they were well prepared for them. Despite the fact that they had gotten a large number of bookings the day before, the audience did not respond favourably to their presentation. To say the least, we were startled that no one else was around to see what had happened.
When Pandora’s crew realised Seo’s presentation had started, they quickly went on the offensive, aggravating the already tense atmosphere. Finally, Seo concluded that the reason for the delay in their attack was that they needed to spend time rejuvenating their relics before proceeding. As a consequence, when an opportunity arose, they were able to move promptly.
The Pandoran army raided Seo’s exhibition halls a few chapters earlier, in Tomb Raider King Chapter 252, but Seo and his squad were able to remain unnoticed in the Holton mansions. This, on the other hand, means that Seo’s programme will be cancelled before it even begins. He felt obliged to go to Pandora’s headquarters to discover what was going on. When he arrived, he was greeted by official restorers and other high-level officials who had been invited to meet with him. Among those present were Julien and Louis Marting, the current senior official restorer. To keep up with Seo and his crew, Pandora has expanded the number of relic restorers on staff. Seo and his squad had been having problems as a result of a tomb trap that Louis had managed to avoid.
That’s why Seo is perplexed as to how he got on Pandora’s programme in the first place. And, given a huge number of high-ranking people in attendance, it’s logical to conclude that something important is going to take place. Despite the fact that the most recent episode was just a few minutes long, it looks like Seo and Pandora will be at odds again in the next episodes. Seo and his colleagues must work quickly to prevent Pandora’s strong crew of restorers from inflicting further damage on their impending presentation.
As a result, it will be fascinating to see how these two groups interact with one another. Despite their efforts to help one another, they are continually in one other’s way. Despite the fact that Seo and his crew may face more challenges now that Pandora is up and running, the attack was unexpected. They are presently dispersed, and reassembling them and figuring out how to stop Pandora will take some time. They’re presently strewn over the city. When they scheduled Pandora’s concert, they essentially killed two birds with one stone.
Tomb Raider King Chapter 253’s release date has been determined
Tomb Raider King Chapter 253 was published on September 6, 2021. New chapters are delivered to us every three days, so the next one will arrive on the 5th if it hasn’t already. If the story progresses slowly, as it has in recent chapters, it will be one day after the present time.