Shinya Umemura and Fukui Takumi’s Record of Ragnarok, often known as Doomsday, is one of the most well-known anime series ever produced. Ajichika was used as a design element throughout the series. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie’s first chapter was released in November 2017 on the Coamix platform for both children and adults. In June of 2021, Viz media released Record of Ragnarok in the western regions of the world, and it was so successful that Netflix decided to adapt it into a series.
Humans and gods battled in the Record of Ragnarok chapter 65, where Brunhilde, a valkyrie, was the only one who cared about the fate of mankind and its existence for another seven million years. The Record of Ragnarok came in fifth place on the list of the most popular anime series of 2018. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, according to Nationwide Bookstore, was their twelfth-ranked approved book comic in 2020. The manga Record of Ragnarok has sold over eight million copies to date, proving that anime fans are devoted to the series.
Even after the launch of the current chapter, the audience of this series is eager to discover more about this anime. When will the next chapter of Record of Ragnarok air? The Record of Ragnarok Chapter 65 will be released in 2022 on May 9th, so there is no need to fret.
In an anime series, Valkyrie of the Demise, the title refers to the end of mankind’s development after around seven million years. At the “Conference for the Survival of Humanity,” the world’s gods convene once every thousand years in heaven. Despite the unanimous agreement of the other gods, Brunhild (the first of the thirteen Valkyrie siblings) remains sceptical before the final decision is reached. What about a trial of humanity?
A “Ragnarok”-style final showdown between Gods and humans, in which all the gods and the greatest heroes of human history square off against one another, was his recommendation. In order for a side to be declared victorious, it must win seven out of the thirteen engagements. Humans were shown to have a slim chance of defeating the invincible Gods. Despite the Gods’ lack of regard, Brunhild continued to pry, asking, “Are you afraid?” Those gods who accepted his challenge of a fight between humans and gods were shocked.