Tokyo Revengers, a Japanese manga series written and drawn by Ken Wakui and published by Kodansha in their Weekly Shnen Magazine, has been delighting readers since March 2017. After a one-week pause for Japan’s Golden Week Celebration, Tokyo Revengers Chapter 252 will be released on Tuesday. As of May 7, 2022, Raw Scans of Tokyo Revengers 252 are likely to be released. On May 10 and May 11, 2022, Tokyo Revengers Chapter 252 will be released in Japan and the rest of the world, respectively.
The long-awaited showdown between Mikey and his erstwhile comrade and friend will finally commence in the next episode. Chapter 252 spoilers for Tokyo Revengers have been released. There may be a few one-on-one battles in this chapter that are worth seeing. As of yet, there is no resolution to Takemichi’s quarrel with Kakucho in Chapter 252. Mikey and Koko will face off in this chapter in what is sure to be their most epic battle yet.
Possible storylines for Tokyo Revengers Chapter 252
It’s possible that the next episode will centre around Haruki Hayashida and Manjiro Sano’s one-on-one rematch. In addition, fans will be able to witness how Senju is coping following the brutal setback. While Atsushi overcame Madarame, the Sanju thrashed his opponent Senju. Despite Senju’s sincere apologies, Sanju ignored them, claiming that she had no idea what Mikey’s motivations were. One of the most frightening incidences is disclosed towards the end of Tokyo Revengers Chapter 251.
To aid Inupi in her fight against Benkei and Wakasa, Koko has renounced the gang and joined Inupi’s side. Chapter 252 of Tokyo Revengers will finally expose Koko’s decision. It appears that confronting Mikey is his only choice. And if he achieves that, then this may be the most intense competition to date. These battles will be interspersed by a third. When Hakkai and Mitsuya approached Chifuyu earlier, he was carrying a wounded person behind him. They congratulate one another on their own accomplishments.
However, they are interrupted by the appearance of Hanma. Mikey assigns Hanma the task of handling the crisis, and he challenges Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu, and Akku to a duel. As a result, the fight between Mitsuya and Hanma might be the subject of Tokyo Revengers Chapter 252. Pahchin is advancing on Mikey. There is a long history between Pahchin and Mikey. Chapter 252 of Tokyo Revengers will include a tragic duel between the two characters. Pahchin and Mikey’s youth may be revisited in Chapter 252. To read the most recent chapters of Tokyo Revengers, readers must pay a subscription fee to Kodansha’s official website.