Unlike the One Piece anime series, Eiichiro Oda’s manga story has already begun with the battle between Luffy and Kaido. With his newfound power, Luffy is ready to demonstrate to Kaido why he should be the next King of Pirates. It’s unlikely that Luffy can defeat Kaido so fast, but Luffy has pleasantly surprised him by bringing in Gear 5. How Kaido responds to Luffy’s attacks will be interesting to see in the next chapters.
One Piece Chapter 1048’s release date
When One Piece Chapter 1048 is out in 2022, it’ll be available worldwide. At 8:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), Viz Media and Manga Plus will make the chapter available for viewing (Pacific Timing). However, the timing may vary based on where you are. To that end, below is the schedule for these locations in particular:
Pacific Standard Time: 8 a.m. (May 8th)
10 a.m., Central Standard Time (May 8th)
11 a.m. Eastern (May 8th)
4 p.m., British Summer Time (May 8th)
Fifth of the evening, local time in Europe (May 8th)
The time now is 8.30 p.m. (May 8th)
Because of Japan’s Golden Week, the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine was unable to publish the next chapter of the manga on its normal release date of May 1st. Fortunately, the manga was just gone for a few days, and we’ll be seeing Chapter 1048 in the near future.
One Piece Chapter 1048 spoilers have been released
After a lengthy wait, several in-depth spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1048 have been made public. “20 years” is the title of the upcoming episode, according to the sources, and it will recount the story of what happened all those years before that. A lengthy flashback will reveal the identity of Oden’s son to Kaido. So, with the help of Orochi, the master of the waters, Momonosuke will be killed by everyone who stands in his way.
At this point, Oden’s castle will be enveloped in flames. Kaido stands his ground against Luffy’s attack while Momo tries to transfer the island. Kaido will display his new Fire dragon form. To counter Kaido’s method, Luffy will utilise his new “Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun” assault, which dissolves anything in its path. Denjiro returns only to slice off the head of Orochi as he tries to seize Komurasakiii while still on fire. On the previous page, we saw Luffy and Kaido getting ready to counter each other’s assaults.
It’s finally here: One Piece Chapter 1048!
When One Piece Chapter 1048 is released, subscribers to Shonen Jump will be able to read it. Subscribers to Shonen Jump can also read the whole manga on their smartphone, in addition to the most recent issue that will be released. MangaPlus and Viz Media both have access to One Piece Chapter 1046 for those who haven’t yet subscribed to the app. To be clear, the above website only offers the most recent and first three issues of the manga. As a result, only One Piece Chapters 1–3 and Chapters 1047–1046 are now available on the site.
One Piece Chapter 1048: What Can You Expect?
Rumour has it that Younkou Kaido will transform into a blazing dragon in One Piece Chapter 1048. Luffy’s tenacity inspires Momonosuke, who may persuade Onigashima to intervene in time to save the Flower Capital from the catastrophe. As for Luffy, he appears to have an ace move called Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun in his sleeve that won’t be revealed until One Piece Chapter 1048 comes out later this month.