The plot revolves around a superhero by the name of Saitama, who is capable of defeating anyone in any combat with a single punch. With the passage of time, he had become tired of his own power since he was unable to find someone who could beat him or at the very least compete with him.
Highlights from One Punch Man Chapter 163
During the course of Saitama’s training session, he becomes aware of the approaching presence of a formidable beast. Due to his dissatisfaction with not receiving any competition in any of his battles, he now believes that he may be in for a tough battle and is really excited about it. He had just stomped on a large crab-like monster and shattered it with a single strike, and he was about to celebrate his win when he suddenly sees something much larger and more powerful than him.
The new monster is a member of the Monster Association, which is a prestigious organisation. Now it appears that Saitama will be up against a formidable opponent. What occurs after that will be revealed in the following chapter.
The release date for One Punch Man Chapter 164 has been set
The release date for Chapter 164 of One Punch Man is set for May 12, 2022. The audience will have to wait for it.
Spoilers ahead for One Punch Man Chapter 164
This chapter of One Punch Man will be the most action-packed and full of punches you’ve ever read. It is between these two that the chapter begins with a new round of fighting. The monster has not yet attained his full potential.
Garou must prepare himself and demonstrate to Saitama that he truly possesses monster-like abilities. With his power, he has the ability to carry out bad deeds. In One Punch Man Chapter 164, Garou attempts to drive Saitama into a battle, and it is at this point that we experience true suspense.
What is the best place to read One Punch Man Chapter 164?
No manga should be read through a bogus website, and we do not endorse it. Viz Media has the manga available for viewing.
The cast and crew of One Punch Man Chapter 164
Yusuke Murata created the illustrations.
Shueisha is the author of this publication.