Is there going to be a fifth season of “Haikyuu,” the beloved animated series that has managed to enthral its fans with its superb plot and in-depth character development? The series premiered in 2014 and has been one of the most popular animated series since then. Shy Hinata, a hard-working middle school student, falls in love with volleyball after watching Karasuno play on television. He quickly discovers that no one in his school cares much about volleyball.
During his sophomore year of high school, he is able to persuade a couple of his peers to join the team and participate. Despite their best efforts, the squad falls short in the end. In the next instalment, we’ll see how hard he works to make it as a professional volleyball player. The fourth season of Haikyuu is over, and fans are eagerly awaiting Season 5. In addition to animation, humour, drama, and sports, the series falls within the umbrella of these genres.
When Can We Expect the 5th Season of Haikyuu?
Debut season: 2014, Season 2: 2015, Season 3: 2016 Haikyuu aired its first season in 2014. Haikyuu Season 4’s first and second sets of episodes were shown in early 2020 and early 2021, respectively. Fans may anticipate seeing the fifth season divided into two parts as well. Season 5 of Haikyuu might begin airing in the summer or winter of 2022, depending on the year. Season 5 was formerly slated to be released in 2021, however, the Covid-19 epidemic was said to have caused the delay. Some shows are delayed due to the epidemic, so this is hardly a surprise. Since the fifth season will not be released until 2021, there will be a peak season in 2022.
The Season 5 Plot of Haikyuu
Season 4 of Haikyuu left viewers with a big cliffhanger, and as a result, fans are eagerly anticipating Season 5. Season 5 of Haikyuu is expected to revolve around the aftermath of the game and the next match versus Nekoma High. If the manga is followed, the fifth season may feature the Battle at the Garbage Dump. It’s also possible to observe Coach Nekomata and Coach Ukai’s duel if the manga is followed. Until now, the series has followed the manga, and one may anticipate this to continue throughout the fifth season of the series as well. ‘
The cast of Haikyuu Season 5
Season 5 of Haikyuu will feature the actors of Season 4. We can expect to see:
Shoyo Hinata was played by Ayumu Murase.
Tobio Kageyama is played by actor Kaito Ishikawa.
Ryunosuke Tanaka is played by Yu Hayashi in this film.
Daichi Sawamura is played by Satoshi Hino.
Role of Koshi Sugawara by Miyu Irino
Kei Tsukishima is played by Koki Uchiyama in this film.
Tadashii Yamaguchi is played by Soma Saito in the anime.
In the role of Yu Nishinoya, Nobuhiko Okamoto steps into the spotlight.
Asahi Azumane is played by Yoshimasa Hosoya.
Kamiya, Hiroshi, in the role of Takeda.
Chikara Ennoshita is played by Toshiki Masuda.
Permission to Renew/Status of Renewal
There is no official word on whether or not Season 5 will be renewed. Because Season 4 concluded with a cliffhanger, it is extremely certain that there will be Season 5. We expect official confirmation of the season’s extension to come in the next few days. We’ll have a clearer sense of the release date of the series and a trailer once it’s confirmed.