Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, the popular monthly shonen manga created by Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto, will return in March 2022 with a new chapter. After the initial encounter against Code, fans are curious as to what the strong Kara villain will do next. Code has already made plans to kidnap Amado in order to compel him to surrender his “Limiter,” allowing him to reclaim his full power. The next chapter is unlikely to be as action-packed as the previous ones, but expect additional developments in the Kara organization’s war.
Spoilers for Boruto Chapter 68: The Scar
Code indicated in the last Boruto chapter that he couldn’t compete with Kawaki in his present form and that he would have to unleash his “Limiter” and force Amado to restore his True Power. We witness a scene with Ada, who is leaning on a table, and Code with her towards the close of that chapter. Ada claims that Amado is being hidden and protected in the heart of Konoha, but there are no claw marks inside the village, so she wonders how he intends to approach him. Then we catch a glimpse of Shikimaru, which suggests that Code may have implanted a Claw Mark in him in order to enter Konoha and take Amado.
Spoilers for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter 68
Updated March 18: Here are huge spoilers for the current Boruto manga chapter: The manga’s official title is Scar, and it opens with Boruto telling how he was revived by Momoshiki after Kawaki’s terrible strike, while Amado and two other characters listen. Boruto revealed that 82 per cent of Momoshiki’s data had already been extracted, but the remaining 18 per cent was utilised to recreate the sections of his body that had been damaged. Momoshiki would lose his vessel and his soul would be destroyed if Boruto died, according to Amado. Momoshiki may not be able to resuscitate himself since he will never retrieve his data, but Amado claims that the problem of him periodically taking over Boruto’s awareness is still a problem for which they have yet to find a solution.
Boruto claims that he no longer needs the medication since he believes he can now harness Momoshiki’s power.
Meanwhile, Kawaki is asleep in a hospital room, and Shikimaru says they need to check a few things with Amado first before allowing him to approach Kawaki. Shikimaru claims that restraining Kawaki is unnecessary because he can easily shrink himself using Sukuna-Hikona, and that antagonising him is wrong. He does point out, though, that Kawaki’s aim is straightforward: he wants to keep Naruto safe.
When Kawaki wakes up, Naruto says he and Kawaki will have a good discussion. Sasuke claims to have information on Code’s whereabouts. Sasuke claims that Code is at one of Boro’s secret cult facilities, a subterranean edifice on the outskirts of the Land of Snow that is deemed prohibited even by locals. When Shikimaru inquires whether there is any clear evidence that Code is present, Sasuke responds that there is a man named Bug who is a friend of Code’s.
Shikimaru says he’ll order a deployment and inquires about Kawaki’s treatment of Boruto. Shikimaru claims that he killed Boruto in front of him and Naruto even if the motive was to stop Momoshiki. Only a few individuals are aware of it, according to Shikimaru, and they’re still determining how to proceed. Shikimaru thinks Boruto should be among his friends, especially Sarada, and Sasuke looks melancholy and asks where Boruto is.
Meanwhile, Ada is able to obtain information on how Boruto was able to live in the secret Kara group base. She informs Code that he should be grateful that his Ten-Tails sacrifice is still alive, revealing that he was resurrected with Momoshiki’s Karma. Boruto is now totally Ohtsutsuki, according to Ada, because the last of Karma’s compressed data appears to have been retrieved. Ada claims that Boruto and Momoshiki had a conversation that she couldn’t see with her Senrigan Clairvoyance. She ponders if Boruto can speak with Momoshiki on a spiritual dimension.
Code declares that he’ll accept it as a stroke of luck. Ada tells Code that Boruto’s survival is a blessing, but she’s fed up with how he went too far and exploited her brother without her permission. Ada informs Code that his mission is to bring Kawaki to her, and Code admits he didn’t have much of a choice. In exchange, she promises to assist him in retaining his genuine authority and achieving his own objectives. Ada claims that he is now worthless to them and that if he remains so after gaining his strength, she and Daemon would have no qualms about “disposing of him.”
Daemon continues to ride on Code’s back, and Code laments the fact that they aren’t even comrades. Ada claims that it’s all business and that if he doesn’t provide, he’ll lose this sour connection.
Code reminds her that he has taken precautions. He inserted a Claw Mark in Shikimaru’s nape, and Code pulls his ear out on it as Shikimaru enters a code into the panel to access a door. Shikimaru walks inside the lab where Amado is working and inquires about Boruto’s status. Shikimaru grabs the back of Amado’s clothes and asks him about Kawaki’s Karma. Amado says it’s now 100 per cent impossible for Momoshiki to revive himself. Sarada is feeling Boruto’s fresh scar in another scene, and Boruto claims he’s OK. Mitsuki inquires of Boruto as to why Code attempted to murder him since he intended to feed him to the Ten-Tails. Boruto then recalls Shikimaru asking him not to inform anybody about Kawaki’s death. Boruto responds hesitantly, claiming that Code was probably out of control.
Sarada warns Boruto that he must be extremely cautious from now on, and Sasuke appears to confirm Sarada’s warning. Even if he’s in the village, Sasuke warns Boruto not to go anywhere alone, and the three young ninjas are relieved to see him. Sasuke reveals that now that Kawaki is strong enough to face Code, Code would go to whatever length to remove his Limiters, making Amado his next target. Returning to Amado and Shikimaru’s chat, Amado discloses that he has restored Kawaki’s Karma and Shikimaru questions why he did so without Kawaki’s permission. Kawaki despises Karma, according to Amado, yet he sought enough strength to safeguard their Hokage and fend off attackers. Amado argues that Kawaki selected this path because his desire was absolutely necessary for Karma to occur.
Shikimaru snarls at Amado, claiming that he’s evading his inquiry and that what he did was not in Konoha or Kawaki’s best interests. A dark figure emerges from Shikimaru, still grasping Amado, and Code appears unexpectedly in the ceiling. Ada scolds Code for disrupting Amado and Shikimaru’s chat, and Code assaults Shikimaru with his claw, flinging him into the wall. Amado is concerned, yelling Shikimaru’s name, but Code chokes him and orders him to remove his Limiters or he would be harmed. Amado can’t believe Code just marched into Konoha, telling him that he would be detected immediately and that an army of shinobi would come shortly. Code informs Amado that all he has to do to remove his Limiters is gaze into his eyes and speak the order, and Amado wonders how he knows.
Ino detects problems from the headquarters, and Shikimaru speaks with her via telepathy, warning her that Code is right in front of him. They will send reinforcements, according to Ino. Shikimaru tells Naruto and the others that he will handle the situation since he doesn’t want to provoke Code into fleeing. He paralyses Code with his Shadow Possession Jutsu, but the villain warns him that his technique is meaningless and that he could still rip Amado’s carotid artery open with his fingertips. Shikimaru tells Code that he expected him to miss the Claw Mark on his back and fall for such a blatant trap. “Wake up, Bronco!” Shikimaru shouts as a coffin arrives and says, “It’s showtime!”
Shikimaru explains she’s a new model reconditioned to be a war asset that defends Konoha, and a cyborg with Delta’s look appears. Shikimaru tells her to target Code, but she claims she already knows and tells him to “Shaddup already.”
Shikimaru’s plot to catch Code off surprise catches him off guard. The villain releases Amado as the new cyborg strikes Code. The Delta-like cyborg informs Code that she won’t use her destructive beams on him since they’ll cause too much mayhem in this confined location. Shikimaru is concerned that Code’s hand has inside the Claw Mark, and he warns him that he will not let him go, but Code responds that he is doing the exact opposite. He opens the Claw Mark to reveal Ada in a spectacular manner. Amado and Shikimaru are taken aback. The storey finishes with a second glance at Ada frowning, while Amado is taken aback by her appearance. Ada will most likely make measures against Konoha’s new cyborg in the following episode. Amado may be kidnapped by the Kara organisation in order for Code to force him to remove his Limiters. It’s quite probable that Kawaki will awaken shortly.
When is Boruto Chapter 68 coming out?
On March 18, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter 68 was released. On Friday at midnight JST, the latest chapter is slated to be released. The English translations for Chapter 68 should be available online at the following times if the release time is correct, although they may be available sooner.
Friday, March 18 at 9 a.m. Pacific Time; Friday, March 18 at 11 a.m. Central Time
Friday, March 18th, 12 p.m. Eastern Time; Friday, March 18th, 5 p.m. British Time
Where can I get Chapter 68 of Boruto?
Boruto Chapter 68 will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus whenever it is released. You can read the first three and last three chapters for free on Viz Media, but if you want to read all of them, you’ll need to sign up for a Shonen Jump membership, which is only $1.99 per month. You may also read the most recent chapter for free on MangaPlus, but you’ll need to subscribe. MangaPlus is available all across the world, with the exception of Japan, China, and South Korea, which all have their own services, notably Shnen Jump+, the original Japanese service.