Crunchyroll’s first original content selection for the streaming service debuted in 2020. One of the new releases was “The God of High School,” an action-packed martial arts anime based on the same-named manhwa authored by Park Yongje and distributed by Webtoon. Jin Mori, a strong martial artist and 17-year-old South Korean high school student, competes in a tournament sponsored by a corrupt organisation, and he and his friends use the power of legendary monsters and gods to combat each other. The company’s pledge to fulfil the winner’s wish, popularly known as “The God of High School,” will come with no strings attached.
Season 2 of The God of High School release date
Renewals of anime series are frequently affected by a number of factors, including the popularity of the programme and the amount of unadapted source material available. Since the comic on which it is based is still running strong, “The God of High School” has enough material to work with. The anime, on the other hand, was a huge success and continues to draw in new fans.
“The God of High School” premiered on Crunchyroll in late summer 2020, with new episodes airing every week until September. Unfortunately, there has been no official word from the creators of “The God of High School” regarding a Season 2 renewal. As a result, predicting when new episodes will air is impossible. Everything else remains to be seen, but in the meanwhile, you can watch Season 1 of “The God of High School” on Crunchyroll and HBO Max.
The God Of High School Season 2 Storyline
Jin Mori, a 17-year-old high school student, is the protagonist of this storey. Jin Mori’s friends in Seoul, South Korea, transferred their abilities from fabled monsters and gods to Jin Mori. From Seoul, he learned martial arts. The wicked organisation selects the most talented high school student to compete in and win the tournament, and the winner, or most talented high school student, is dubbed “The God of High School.” They grant this kid’s wishes without question.
God of High School, which ran for 13 episodes in its first season and was animated by MAP, was well-received on Crunchyroll. Is there going to be a new series of The God of High School? And, more importantly, when will it be released?
The God Of High School Season 2 Renewal Status
You want to know when the first episode of the new season will be broadcast. When will the second season of The God of High School be released? You’ve been thinking about the next season with a lot of anxiety. Is there going to be a new season? God of High School has yet to get a season 2 renewal announcement. We’re hoping for some good news shortly after the first season was postponed. The new season is slated to launch in 2022 on Crunchyroll following this year’s or next year’s renewal.
Many factors impact the longevity of an anime or other show, so we may see a new season 2 in the not-too-distant future. If the programme is successful, it will be renewed for a second season, and there is still enough material to cover because the manga series for The God of High School is still ongoing. As a result, we’ll be looking at high school’s concept of God in the near future.
The first season is still available to view on Crunchyroll and HBO Max. The God of High School is a superb animated series with an IMDB score of 7.3 and a 70 per cent AniList rating, but only a 4.2 out of 5 Crunchyroll rating.