Japan’s seinen manga series, “Kingdom,” is now at chapter 708. Yasuhisa Hara wrote and drew it. For most of its storey, the manga focuses on the adventures of war orphan Xin and his fellow soldiers during the Warring States period.
Recap of Kingdom Chapter 707
A battle between Ryuhaku and Shin’s armies begins this chapter of the Kingdom. Kohaku attacks the Hi Shin squad, whose job is to deflect attention away from Ryuhaku and allow him to carry out his task. Ryuhaku believes that working with Kohaku and constructing Kanki’s headquarters has been an honour. Shin and Kyoukai alternately follow him. Ryuhaku is shot by Kokuou at Ryuhaku’s insistence, but Marron sends the Zuma clan to hunt him down anyhow.
Will Ryuhaku be the one to put a stop to Kanki? Hi Shin’s troops are involved in the fight against Ryuhaku and his henchmen. The assassins of Gakuhakukou accept the Hi Shin Unit flag as their own. The Kohaku unit is able to complete the mission because the Hi Shin Unit was preoccupied. Shun Sui Ju tells a Zhao soldier that this isn’t the end, but for the sake of Kohaku and Ryuhaku.
With time, Rei has observed that her weapon isn’t working out as she would like. For example, when doing the priestess dance becomes too tough, explains Kyoukai. Get hold of your sword! He learns about it through Rei. Ryuhaku tells Kohaku it has been an honour to fight beside him for the last several months before heading for Kanki’s headquarters. Ryuhaku is pursued by Shin’s teammate En-help san, who is then left to cope with the crisis on his own.
Why is Shin seeking Ryuhaku if Kanki’s death is a good thing? Kyoukai follows Shin into the fray. When Ryuhaku is ordered by Kokuou to monitor Kanki from a safe distance, he is shot down. Marron informs Ryuhaku that Kanki misjudged them in reaction to Marron’s summoning of the Zuma clan to pursue him. Shin tries to grab Ryuhaku after Kokuou tells him to do so. She aims to abuse him in the same manner in which they abused Radio. Shin’s strike has knocked Ryuhaku from his horse and he’s most certainly dead. By unifying China, Xin becomes the most important commander in the skies, a feat that has never been accomplished before.
Kingdom Chapter 708
Shin’s own record of deaths is steadily increasing over time. I thought that murdering Ryuhaku was a totally separate thing from what was going on. Because the poor man had lived any longer, Kokuou would have threatened and tortured him, that is why he killed him. While Shin seemed to be constantly second-guessing himself, his supporters were not at all concerned about his actions towards the end. “Oh crap, I’m overcome,” he might have simply stated.
In my apologies,” I said. Is it appropriate for me to protect Kanki, the mass murderer? … no one, not even a single person still alive, would have known if it had happened. Speculations concerning Kanki’s demise may now begin.
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