Before Luffy faced Kaido, there were five key storey lines that needed to be resolved. This chapter dealt with three of them, and it didn’t feel forced at all! We can’t wait to see where Momo and Zunisha’s storey takes them. That’s going to play a big role in the series conclusion. Our best guess is that One Piece volume 102 will be released in March. In June, September, and December, the final three releases were made. The next one is due in the first week of March, according to this trend. We can’t wait for Sanji and Zoro to square off in this volume!
Now that we’ve seen the series’ best action moments, it’s time to fight it out in the final stages. One Piece Chapter 1041 is eagerly anticipated by fans. One Piece’s adaptations have been sparse, to say the least. The live-action version of One Piece Movie: Red has not been updated. The sooner we see them, the better. These are clearly highly interesting endeavours. First, Shanks is involved, and the second has the potential to make the series even more popular. We can’t wait to see what Zunisha does in One Piece 1041! After reading Oden’s journal, Momo and Yamato have gained a great deal of insight into the past. We can’t wait to hear what they’ve discovered. Is Joyboy’s identity going to be revealed? I don’t know yet.
Raw Scan of Chapter 1041 of One Piece Release Date
There is a break next week. Oda sensei is taking a sabbatical for his health during this time. We’ll take a little break after the third chapter. There will be three more chapters following this hiatus. The Japanese version is shown first. Weekly Shonen Jump pages were used to create these original scans. The raws for One Piece 1041 are expected to arrive on February 23, 2022. After the raws were leaked, the scanlators spent time translating the whole chapter. About two days are needed to complete the procedure. We should anticipate fan scans in Korean, French, and English by February 25, 2022.
One Piece 1041’s official English scans will be released on February 27th, 2022, capping up the month. Until the manga chapter is over, raw scans and spoilers won’t be translated and released until a few more days after the break.
Please visit the shonen jump plus app, manga plus, or viz websites to locate them. Because they are legal, we suggest them.
It’s time for the One Piece Manga 1041 Discussion!
It’s just too easy to get buried in Joyboy rumours right now. Perhaps he was a giant, and Zunisha was his companion because of that. Imu-straw sama’s hat may be the reason why. Or perhaps Zunisha grew out of Joyboy’s natural size.
Theories about Zunisha’s zoan have been floating about for a while now. However, we may learn more in the One Piece 1041 manga spoilers.
Slave attack or life?
Law’s massive sword and Kidd’s Damned Punk attack took a toll on Big Mom in the previous chapter. She is, however, a yonko, and the most durable one at that. We can see that she is still alive and well in the present chapter.
That she has the stamina to take on another opponent is remarkable. Kidd and Law, on the other hand, can’t be compared. They were exhausted and would have lost if Big Mom had risen. When Mama unleashed Soul Pocus, things appeared to be at an all-time low. One Piece chapter 1041 raw will reveal whether or not they are still able to compete in the ring.
In her fury, she drew energy from their spirits. It’s either 50 years of slavery or the rest of their lives. If Law or Kidd had lost, they would have been forced into slavery. This fearlessness was shown by both captains, who had no fear whatsoever of Mama. Is Big Mom down and out now? As a last resort, Law had to resort to a new tactic from his repertoire. Corazon’s talent is the foundation for Law’s Silence method. Silence will reign in his K-Room. From the outside, you won’t be able to hear anything from them. To his credit, he managed to entrap Mama and thereby spare everyone from her wrath.
Another Damned Punk was used by Kidd to shoot her. Her body was blown through the earth and into the armoury by the onslaught. The Yokai was destroyed and a huge portion of the armoury’s explosives was taken by her as she fell. Law had created a hole in the ground, and she fell through it. Mama’s loss was verified in this chapter. In One Piece 1041 English Chapter, we may expect to see Law and Kidd being treated. However, we have to remember, Big Mom is not dead. She has been defeated but she lives. Still, she is definitely out of the picture now.
What did Big Mom say to Roger? As she fell, Big Mom remembered Roger. We already know that they have been rivals in the past and have probably fought during the God Valley incident. We see that Big Mom blames Roger as she falls. He made a speech that started this pirate era. He just up and died. And that left the Yonko dealing with all the upstarts & rookies. She also blames him for not telling them more about the One Piece. In the end, even as a Yonko, she ended up with far too little information about the One Piece. In One Piece manga 1041 spoilers, we might find out things that this Yonko did not know.
The Battlefield Situation
The chapter gave us glimpses of so many other characters. We could see that Yamato has frozen the armoury, making it safe for the people. And with the Yokai dealt with, she can move on. Honestly, the yokai was just an annoyance & we are glad that it has been dealt with. We see that Raizo is done with his fight. In the end, the will of Raizo triumphed. Fukurokujo could not handle the heat and fell down. Raizo has won; he is truly a follower of Oden.
Elsewhere, the straw hats are doing fine for now, except Zoro. He lies face down, injured. We believe he needs a doctor as soon as possible. Maybe Franky will find him in the next chapter.
One Piece 1041 Spoilers
Spoilers of the series have become just a tad bit irregular. A couple of months ago, we had regular leaks and often, we had early spoilers. That stuff has lessened but still, we do get the spoilers. We are hoping to find the confirmed spoilers of One Piece manga 1041 before 20th February 2022. First, you will see the short spoilers and in two days, you will get the detailed version. We will write about them in this section as soon as they come.