In the last Tokyo Revengers chapter, we witnessed Haruchiyo, Senju, and Mikey’s background. We learnt that Senju’s deception was the reason why Mikey beat Haru, leaving him scars on his face. Senju remarked that she witnessed Mikey’s wicked and violent side that day, and he displayed the same side when he fought Takemichi. Of course, after hearing all this, Takemichi becomes more confident about defeating Mikey. And now, our crybaby hero is ready to take the next step in the future chapter.
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 242 Release Date
Depending on your location, Chapter 242 of Tokyo Revengers is set to be released globally on either February 15th, 2022, or February 16th, 2022, depending on the time of day you are reading this. Readers in Japan may purchase Kodansha’s monthly magazine to read the future Tokyo Revengers chapter, which will be published in April. International readers, on the other hand, may purchase all of Ken Wakui’s manga volumes directly from Kodansha’s official website, which can be found here.
Spoilers for Chapter 242 of Tokyo Revengers
Takemichi is standing in front of the bike that Mikey gave him when the chapter begins. On the bike, he also takes a look at his outfit, which is the same uniform that Mikey gave him all those years ago. Now, one week later, members of Toman have gathered in Toman’s traditional uniform, with a few minor changes made here and there. These members include Inupi, who serves as the captain of the first division, Senju, who serves as the captain of the fifth division, and Chifuyu, who serves as the vice-captain.
After that, Takemichi becomes the president of the Tokyo Manji Gang, a position he holds until his death. Takemichi addresses the gang’s members and expresses regret for losing to Mikey in the last battle. He claims that Mikey is the genuine president of the Tokyo Manji Gang, but that he has vanished and that no one will be able to bring him back. As a result, they are left with no option but to vanquish Mikey and destroy Kanto Manjikai. Surprisingly, everyone in the audience empathises with Takemichi’s feelings throughout his speech and is secure in their decision to join him.