The South Korean manhwa (comic book and print cartoon) Tower of God Chapter 528 is the next episode in the series that will follow Bam and his pals on their journey through life. A fresh adventure awaits Bam and his companions as they set forth in search of the unknown.
Recap of the Tower of God Chapter 528
With the exception of his close friend Rachel, the child has spent the majority of his life locked beneath a large and strange tower. Recently, we witnessed the battle of Lyborick vs. Kallavan, which was depicted in the manga series Tower of God. The mystery that surrounds the Tower has yet to be unravelled. When Lyborick warns Lord Zahard not to open the gate, Zahard doesn’t heed the warning since he believes it will aid in the investigation of some mysteries.
The player’s survival game and mouse hang game within the Cat Tower is also over when he or she reaches their target, as announced by Voice when the player arrives. After its task is completed, the stage is blown up. Lyborick admits that Irregular has been at the 3rd Wall within the teleporter ship ever since he met Princess Maschenny and that he has been there since. Yu Hansung and Pudidy are on the prowl for the elusive ‘Irregular.’ Rachel, on the other hand, is captured. Rachel is referred to as an ‘Irregular.’
Spoilers for Chapter 529 of Tower of God
Bam has never had any previous contact with her. According to Headon’s standard selection process for Regulars, an “Irregular” is a person who was not picked from within the Middle and Outer Towers to climb the Tower, but who entered the First Floor from outside the Middle and Outer Towers. When Rachel enters the Tower, Bam is in a state of complete shock.
Rachel is required to complete a particular test, according to Headon, who informs her that she will be permitted to climb if she overcomes Bam without the assistance of anyone else. She requests a special weapon, and Headon obliges her by providing her with a bodyguard who will die just once in her place. Tower of God Chapter 529 is likely to bring about a number of unexpected events. Rachel could have attempted to assassinate Bam before they became friends.
Five to six days before the manga’s initial release, it is believed that spoilers will be made available. Rachel may become envious of Bam and advise him to keep away from her, while also attempting to find an opportunity to kill him in Tower of God Chapter 529, according to certain theories. However, she was able to push Bam into the Shinsulake in some way.
When the others discover her alone, they will inquire as to where Bam has gone, and she may respond that the bull has arrived before passing out. All of the characters assume that Bam has been beaten and resolve that they will assist Rachel in reaching the top as a courtesy to him. In contrast, Pudidy and Persue may find themselves stuck in the middle of a roadblock; however, Pudity despises thinking negatively and advises Persue to think positively instead of negatively.
Watch for the Raw Scans of Tower of God Chapter 529 to be released right before the chapter’s release date. It is anticipated that Chapter 529 of Tower of God will be released on Sunday, February 6, 2022. The newly published chapters can be found on the official website of