“Blue Lock” is a Japanese manga series written & illustrated by Muneyuki Kaneshiro that is currently in its third season. It was first published as a serial in August of this year. An anime-based television series will be available on Netflix by 2022, according to current projections.
Summary of Chapter 163 of Blue Lock
Jinpachi Ego has been appointed as Japan’s World Cup coach following a review of the current situation of Japanese soccer by the Japanese Football Association (JFA). Japan’s Jinpachi says that the squad does not have any passionate strikers on its roster. As a result, he establishes the Blue Lock, a prison-like facility where three hundred skilled strikers from high schools all around Japan are pitted against one another in competitive situations.
Blue Lock Chapter 163: Publication Schedule
The new chapter 163 publication date is set for February 16, 2022, and the most recent chapter of the manga is slated to be released the following week, in accordance with the typical release timetable for the series.
Where Can You Find Manga to Read on the Internet?
On the official website, manga can be seen and downloaded. However, there are other websites and other online venues to choose from. If you are looking for something visually stimulating, you can watch anime on Netflix.
Characters in the Blue Lock Chapter 163:
Isagi Yoichi is the main character in this storey. A second-year student, Isagi formerly competed as a forward for the Ichinan High School football team. He is a young forward with a lot of potentials. Chigiri is a young and slender man with reddish-pink hair and deep pink eyes. He is dressed in all-black. The long eyelashes and gentle facial characteristics of Chigiri, who has had a feminine visage since he was a child, are evidence of his feminine nature. “Kunoichi” is a nickname that he is known by.
Sae Itoshi is a manga character who is the manga’s antagonist. Sae is a prodigy football player who is widely regarded as the best player in Japan. He is the older brother of Rin Itoshi, who is also a prodigy football player. Anri Teieri handpicked Jinpachi Ego to be the team’s coach, and he is in charge of the teamProject. He serves as a coach, trainer, and manager for the Blue Lock organisation.