Lickitung, a strong Normal-type Pokémon, may be caught during the Valentine’s Day event in Pokémon GO’s Raid Battles. In Pokémon Go, Lickitung, whose main weakness is Fighting-type attacks, maybe a tremendous benefit to player teams in Gym Battles or Raid encounters. In Raid Bouts, you may be able to receive a Lickitung with more statuses or CP, giving it a superior alternative for battles. Pokémon GO’s February 2022 activities offer players a variety of tasks to help them prepare for spring.
With the Lunar New Year event and the Johto Tour event looming at the end of the month, players will have plenty of chances to capture Litleo and other special event-themed Pokémon. You can get a 2x Candy Bonus while catching Pokémon, a 2x bonus to Lure Duration during the Valentine’s Day event, and a higher chance of spawning charming Valentine-themed Pokémon. Flabébé and its Fairy-like evolutionary line make their appearance. A variety of Valentine’s Day Raid Battles will also be available to users, according to PokémonGoLive.
Among these are Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Gardevoir, and Gallade, which will emerge in Three-Star Raid bouts. It is possible to develop Lickitung into Lickilicky by feeding it 100 Lickitung Candy and the Sinnoh Stone in Pokémon GO. Although Ghost-types are immune to it, it packs a powerful punch with moves like Zen Headbutt and Hyperbeam. Additionally, Lickitung can turn Shiny after a successful Raid battle is fought, so that players can capture a golden yellow version and add it to their Shiny collection. Players should prepare their teams carefully before taking on Licktung in a Raid fight in Pokémon GO because it lacks a wide range of vulnerabilities.
The Fighting-type Pokémon Lucario, Machamp, Urshifu, and Breloom are good alternatives for combat. The Three-Star Lickitung may be easily defeated with the use of attacks like Aura Sphere, Close Combat, and Dynamic Punch. Most Pokémon GO players will have no need to worry about bringing a huge number of people into the battle because Lickitung doesn’t occur in Four or Five-star raids.
This means that most players may easily go through numerous bouts to increase their chances of encountering a Shiny. A Hoppip Community Day will take place from 11 AM to 5 PM local time on February 12. You should take advantage of this window of opportunity to get out and about in your neighbourhood, where you can capture plenty of Hoppip and raid a variety of Gyms. As the weather begins to warm up, Pokémon GO users should be able to capture a large number of new and returning Pokémon for their squads.