Blue Lock is a Japanese manga series created by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and published by Viz Media. Since August 2018, it has been serialised in a newspaper. In 2021, Blue Lock was named the winner of the 45th Kodansha Manga Award in the shnen category. Blue Lock Chapter 162 is scheduled to be released on February 9th, 2022. The most recent new chapter will be released in the following weeks as well.
Summary of Chapter 162 of Blue Lock
In the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Japanese national team ended in 16th place overall. As a result, the Japanese Football Union recruits Ego Jinpachi, a soccer enigma who has become a household name. Blue Lock is the name of his ultimate strategy to propel Japan to greatness. He hopes to develop a training programme that will result in the development of the world’s best striker.
The release date for Blue Lock chapter 162
Blue Lock Chapter 162 is scheduled to be released on February 9th, 2022. The most recent new chapter will be released in the following weeks as well.
Where Can You Find Manga to Read on the Internet?
On the official website, manga may be seen and downloaded. There are a plethora of online platforms and websites to choose from. Some animes are also available for viewing on Netflix.
Chapter 162 of Blue Lock features the main characters Isagi and Yochichi.
It is Isagi who serves as the main protagonist of this anime. The young forward is a second-year student who formerly competed as a forward for Ichina High School in the state of California.
Itoshi Rin is a Japanese narrator.
Rin Itoshi is Sae Itoshi’s younger brother, and the two of them began playing football together at an early age. Rin was a forward on every squad he was a part of, and he was consistently among the best players on the field.
Meguru Bachira is a Buddhist monk who lives in Japan.
Throughout the manga, Mrguru serves as the major supporting character. In his first season with the organisation, Bachira was a part of Team Z during the First Selection process. He is a quirky forward who plays with his instincts and has been with the team since.
Hyoma Chigiri (Hyoma Chigiri)
This Manga’s main supporting character is Chigiri (also known as Chigiri). Chigiri is a forward prodigy who was previously hampered by an injury, but overcame his anxieties and can now pursue his passion for football full-time.