Let’s Make a Mug-Too-Season 2 Episode 10 begins Touko’s road to becoming a Legendary Potter, with Touko training while preparing to make another ceramic piece for enjoyment. When Touko receives a message from Nao, she realises it’s that time again. Season 2 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too explains the mystery of the Legendary Potter who passed away, paving the way for the next generation of potters to become Legendary Potters. Touko interacts with Nao in the most recent episode of Let’s Produce a Mug-Too Season 2, and Himeno is trying to identify the colour of a piece she wants to make.
Himeno understands that the guy who came to the town the other day thinks she’ll develop something spectacular for the family’s cafe. She, too, aspires to be the legendary Harry Potter. Himeno is aware that her mother was the Legendary Potter, and she wishes to follow in her footsteps. She strives to locate the right colour and finds that none of the bowls is right for her. Touko texts Himeno to express her gratitude for bringing Arai to their home. Himeno recognises that he and Arai had a great time together. He does, however, pledge to return.
Touko invites Himeno to come because she has something she wants to tell her. Himeno agrees and leaves early the next morning. The two got together and chatted about their plans for the day. Himeno is also shown a bag of sweets by Touko. Himeno says that the previous time they met, she was able to pick up valuable items. They go into a different store, and Touko shows Himeno her masterpiece, knowing that it will help Himeno choose her masterpiece.
Previously on Season 2, Episode 9 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too
Touko explains that she has been seeking that piece for quite some time, and Himeno believes it is quite costly. Touko confesses that she bought the artwork with all of the New Year’s money she had saved up. They also discussed Mika, who contacted Toyuko after viewing a photograph of the sculpture. Himeno and Touko shared lunch and spoke about girly things. Himeno is reminded of her grandfather, a potter, by Touko. She also adds that he began selling pottery when she was a child and that her mother’s family has been potters for centuries. Himeno is grateful that Touko grew up in a potter’s family.
Touko responds that she has loved pottery since she was a child. She received a lot of affection and appreciation during that time, which helped her fall in love with pottery completely. The two return home after lunch, and Himeno listens to Touko’s pottery storey. Touko also discussed how she became a potter and how she produced the best work. However, she was terrified of several contests throughout middle school. Her grandfather had pushed her to a point where she had to reveal her greatest work, but it had put a strain on her. They made her the present of the student council in middle school since she was the finest worker.
Touko has taught many students a lot, and they are expecting her to achieve something spectacular. When Touko and Himeno arrive at Tokishirou Cafe, Himeno announces that she has returned home. Her father greeted them and seated them at a table where they could continue their conversation. Touko adds that she prefers to wear a colour that her grandfather never wore, and it has now become her favourite. But this enraged his grandfather, who warned her not to come to the store with that colour again.
Release Date for Season 2 Episode 10 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too
Season 2 Episode 10 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too will be released on December 4, 2021. Touko discovers that she must follow her grandfather’s instructions. Touko also spoke about her visit to the Eihouj Temple with her grandfather. They went for two hours and did not say anything until they arrived at the Temple. When Touko spoke with him, though, he agreed with all she stated. Let’s have a look at the official details for Season 2 Episode 10 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too.
Let’s Make a Mug-Too Season 2 Episode 10 – Streaming Information
On Saturday at 1:55 AM JST, you may watch Let’s Make a Mug-Too Season 2 Episode 10 on VRV and Crunchyroll. In many regions, you may watch Let’s Make a Mug-Too Season 2 Episode 10 on Ani-One Asia (Playlist) and KKTV. Touko’s grandfather explains why he avoided using the colour red in his ceramics. She also discovered that her grandfather attended the festival and saw her work but that he told her teachers not to tell her. Let’s meet up when Season 2 Episode 10 of Let’s Make a Mug-Too is out.