In Chapter 78 of Dragon Ball Super, a new strongest entity in the universe is introduced, but their reign may not be as long as they imagine. Many people aspire to be the world’s strongest fighter in the Dragon Ball universe. This is, however, generally a transitory state, and the approach you choose to become the strongest will often determine how long you stay at the top of the food chain. And, while the universe’s newest powerful entity is immensely threatening, their reign may be cut short swiftly. Unlike other Dragon Ball villains, however, their destiny is determined by their allies’ actions.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 78 is a rollercoaster ride. Granolah is enraged after learning about his background from Monaito. However, things go from bad to worse when Elec Heeter, who has finally gathered all of the Cerealian Dragon Balls, summons the dragon to grant his wish. When Macki and Oil appear and announce that they have the new strongest entity in the universe with them: Gas, he instantly reveals what he wished for. Gas swiftly demonstrates that his new title is no laughing matter by completely destroying the heroes — but he’d better get his punches in while he still can, for there are just enough variables in play for Gas’ new status to be fragile at best.
During the battle, Granolah admits to using Planet Cereal’s Dragon Balls to become the universe’s most powerful being. However, when Elec desired for Gas to become the new strongest, this wish was rendered moot. The special features of Planet Cereal’s Dragon Balls, on the other hand, will have a significant impact on how long Gas remains the strongest. Unlike the Dragon Balls Goku and his friends are familiar with, the Planet Cereal set is a pair of much smaller Dragon Balls that do not turn to stone once used, allowing someone to make multiple wishes if they can find them. It’s also possible to employ these Dragon Balls to override someone else’s wish, as Elec’s wish to make Gas stronger than Granolah demonstrates.
This emphasises the significance of Elec’s wording. If he only desired for Gas to become the universe’s strongest being, the next person to obtain the Dragon Balls can simply wish to become the universe’s new strongest being and overtake Gas. The wish merely makes them the strongest being in the present instant, disregarding future gains in strength. Of course, this may lead to the Heeters reclaiming the Dragon Balls and wishing for another member of their family to become the universe’s strongest. Of course, this would ultimately lead to an endless arms race, with everyone seeking to outdo the other in a power creep struggle, the likes of which Universe 7 has never seen.
Elec, on the other hand, may have phrased the wish in such a way that it would be future-proofed against such a scenario. He could, for example, have devised a desire that ensures Gas is always stronger than a specific individual, such as Goku or Vegeta, ensuring that Gas stays the strongest even if they use a wish. He could have also wanted Gas to always be the strongest person, or just the strongest person on the globe, regardless of what happened later.
It’s worth remembering that Granolah’s request came with a catch. When he returned in Chapter 70, Toronbo, the dragon of the Cerealian balls, reminded him that his abilities had a limit: he could only make someone as strong as their latent potential. Granolah’s wish may be granted if Toronbo granted him all of his future potential power immediately, but it would require Granolah to sacrifice the rest of his life, reducing it to only three years. Of course, this raises issues about Gas and what he may have had to forego in order to beat Granolah.
Only time will tell how long Gas will be the universe’s most powerful entity. However, Elec’s wording of this wish will be vital in future chapters since Goku and Vegeta will be unable to defeat this strong new foe until they know what the wish was. But who knows what the future holds for these new Dragon Balls and what other wishes they may grant.