My Wife Is A Demon-Queen Chapter 320 recounts the person who lately emerged from the sand and headed to see vice Demon Queen. Demon Queen meets with that individual and realizes that he was abandoned by his family and asks why he is still interfering with the royal family. She pins him to the ground using her long heel shoes. The guy discloses the threat to her throne and knows that if they act foolishly, they can’t beat them. From My Wife Is A Demon-Queen’s latest chapter, the vice Demon Queen wonders why the male has the breath of the corpse pillar, and it looks that the corpse pillar has been executed.
She demands to know who those two are, and that guy confesses that it is the gentleman from the human race and his name is Xiang Yea. He says that Xiang Ye has become a powerful forger. The vice Demon Queen was astonished to hear that a human had become a powerful forger. That gentleman adds that Xiang Ye is not alone, but he thinks another woman is Isabella. He explains that Isabella can exude demon magic.
The hooded demon with long claws feels that he is familiar with the name Isabella. They utilize Bai Enwei’s memory magic to view what is within that guy’s mind and see Isabella with Xiang Ye. The vice Demon Queen confesses that Isabella possesses great abilities. They understand that Isabella and Xiang Ye did overcome not just the corpse pillar but also Zuan Zhu. The guy who delivers the message understands that if it were not for Isabella and Xiang Ye, he would have been the ruler of the Dwarf Kingdom. They recognize that Xiang Ye will become a more serious impediment in the future.
Previously on My Wife Is A Demon-Queen Chapter 319
The person hidden within the chamber thinks it is amazing, and the guy who thinks he was destined to king wonders why that person is thinking so. He realizes that they have to eliminate Xiang Ye and Isabella before things worsen. The person discloses the magic power they borrowed from Isabella and discovers that those powers can be restored in Isabella’s present guise. The vice Demon Queen asks ”Your Majesty” if Isabella is the former Demon Queen. But Her Majesty tells the Demon Queen that she is recently hired, and it doesn’t matter if she knows her or not.
Her Majesty grins within the chamber and never thinks she could see Isabella, but things have changed since Isabella and Xiang Ye rose. She feels that it will be fun to meet with Isabella. The lady inside the chamber is revealed to be the Demon Queen- Lilian. That guy can’t believe that he was vanquished by the former Demon Queen, Isabella, and Xiang Ye. Lilian praises the Dwarf guy and informs him that he has done a terrific job and promoted him to be the next pillar. Dwarf thanks Lilian, who remove a few of her magic power and offer them to him.
A Dwarf guy spotted a big creature headed his way and wondered what type of sorcery is it. He asks Lilian if she is giving him the magic or trying to kill him. That monsters and serpents scare Dwarf, who collapses to the ground and wonders if they would consume him. They entered inside his mouth, and Lilian felt pleased witnessing that. After entering his body, he begins to roll on the ground while suffering discomfort. The Dwarf guy begins to grow monstrous muscles and wonders what is happening to him.
My Wife Is A Demon-Queen Chapter 320 Release Date
My Wife Is A-Demon Queen Chapter 320 will be released on 28 November 2021. Note that My Wife Is-A Demon Queen releases two chapters every Sunday till the manga gets suspended. Xiang Ye and the likes of Isabella are on the airship coming home after vacation. Xiang Ye has become a forging teacher. Let’s look at My Wife Is A-Demon Queen Chapter 320 official details.
Read My Wife Is A Demon-Queen Chapter 320 Online – Raw Details
You will be able to read My Wife Is A-Demon Queen Chapter 320 online in different websites. The spoilers of My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 320 will release this weekend. The manga is yet to update where to obtain My Wife Is A Demon-Queen’s latest chapter and updates. But other sites will keep on updated about this manga. Let’s meet when My Wife Is A Demon-Queen Chapter 320 is posted.