The secret surrounding Code vs. Boruto is revealed in Boruto Naruto Next-Generations Chapter 65, which can be found here. Kawaki agrees to accompany Code, but Boruto is adamant in his refusal, and Momoshiki emerges within him. Momoshiko says that he discovered the Ten-Tails that Isshiki had hidden and fed them to Kawaki, signalling the end of freedom. According to the most recent chapter of Boruto Naruto-Next Generations, Kawaki is enraged after seeing Momoshiki and questions why he needs to show himself again again. Despite the fact that Code is amazed that Boruto is a vessel, Momoshiki emerged to a greater extent than usual, which is unusual for a vessel. Boruto instructed Kawaki to take a step back, stating that it was unsafe.
Momoshiki charges, and Code worries if Boruto has the ability to control Momoshiki at this point. Boruto, on the other hand, unleashes Shadow Doppel Gangers. Code is being punished by the Shadow Clones, and he has no way of knowing which one is the genuine body. Code has taken notice that Borotu has grown in strength. Code attempts to take the battle to the air, but two Clones grab hold of his legs and drag him to the floor. When he lands on the ground, he leaves Claw Marks on the ground, and Boruto notices that he is dealing with an annoyance ability. Kawaki notices that the two are on a different level than the rest of the group. He is perplexed as to how Boruto was able to maintain control of Momoshiki.
Code delivers a message to Eida, in which he begs her to tell him something important about herself. Eida says that Amado’s medications must be functioning well for Boruto, based on his behaviour. She, on the other hand, is unclear of what is taking place within Boruto’s body. Boruto can channel Momoshiki’s powers for the time being, according to Eida, and his mind will not be possessed as a result. Code is curious as to what kind of medication Boruto was taking. Eida believes that Boruto will be able to defeat Code before he reaches his full potential. The sensory device was successful in locating Boruto’s Chakra while in Konoha. Lord Seventh instructed them to look for Kawaki’s Chakra as well.
In the previous episode of Boruto, Naruto Next Generations Chapter 64 – Naruto vs. Goku
The Shinobi who was keeping an eye on Boruto and Kawaki expresses regret for having lost sight of the pair. Rather than being concerned, Naruto assured the man that they would find a solution. He believes that Boruto is where Kawaki is hiding; however, Shikamaru reveals that the two are with the enemy and that Code may have followed Kawaki down to his location. He wonders if Code has killed Kawaki because they are unable to obtain Kawaki’s Chakra and can only obtain Boruto’s. Shikamaru informed Naruto that he would accompany him because he had lost Kurama and that he would commit suicide if he allowed Naruto to travel by himself.
Naruto expresses his dissatisfaction, and Shikamaru assures him that no one will stand in his way, and that they will work with him to save the children. Shikamaru also mentions that Sasuke has not returned from his tracking mission with Code yet. Sai, on the other hand, is on Amado’s watch. Hinata arrives and inquires about Boruto’s whereabouts. She informed Naruto that she intended to leave, but Naruto refused and instructed her to look after Himawari. Hinata was told by Shikamaru not to be stubborn and to listen to Naruto. Her father is asked if it will be okay, and he must return with Boruto and Kawaki in order to answer. Naruto agrees and reminds her that her father is a Hokage, which she does not forget.
Boruto attempts to absorb the Claws Marks on the battlefield, but the marks do not vanish as he expects. He discovers that the Claw Marks may not be formed of Chakra, as he had assumed. It is revealed by Kawaki that the iron has been mingled with Code’s blood and that Karma is unable to absorb them all. As a result, Kawaki inquires of Boruto about Momoshiki, who had appeared the first time Boruto took on that shape. Boruto has no idea what is going on and believes that his medications have benefited him. Code understands that he will be wasting his time fighting Boruto and emerges behind Kawaki, kissing Boruto on the cheek and saying goodbye. Kawaki, on the other hand, fights, and Boruto uses Rasengan, which misses the mark.
Next Generations of Naruto: Boruto – Naruto Chapter 65
The publication date for Boruto Naruto Next Generations-Chapter 65 is 20 December 2021. Code leaps away from Rasengan when Kawaki is freed. Code thought Kawaki had consented to accompany him. Nonetheless, Kawaki points out that he misunderstood him. In the midst of the fighting, Code notices a Vanishing Rasengan nearly snatching him from his grasp. Boruto experiences chest pain and falls to the ground as the struggle continues. Let’s take a closer look at Boruto Naruto-Next Generations Chapter 65 in its entirety.
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Please visit Shonen Jump+’s official website to read Boruto Naruto-Next Generation Chapter 65. Each month, VIZ Media and Shueisha’s online magazine release a new chapter of Boruto Naruto Next Generations. A day before the latest chapter of Boruto-Naruto-Next Generations is released, the spoilers for Chapter 65 will be released. After the release of Chapter 65 of Boruto Naruto-Next Generations.